US President's Visit to Britain
US President Releases Content of Private Conversation with Queen Regarding Breed Considering Brexit as "Very Complex Problem"
Used to break the conventions, US President Donald Trump violated the royal protocol, making public the contents of his private conversation with Queen Elizabeth II: Trump has been spewing out. the monarch believes that Brexit is a "problem"
The president – who has already angered the British authorities during his "two days" in London by criticizing the "sweet Brexit of Prime Minister Theresa May" – has met the Queen at Windsor Castle on Friday. And in the end he said that before a tea they discussed the thorny issue of Britain's exit from the European Union. "He said, and he's right, it's a very complex question, I think no one could imagine how complicated it was … Everyone thought – Trump went on – that c & rsquo; Was simple, we are part of it or we are not part of it, and let's see what happens. "
Trump gave a lengthy interview to Piers Morgan, the television reporter, who has already met him three times since he was at the White House: the reporter traveled with the president on Air Force One, is headed to Scotland and conducted the interview in the aircraft situation room that was transporting the world's most powerful man from London to London. 39 Glascow Airport. In Scotland, Trump spent a relaxing weekend on the golf course waiting for the next summit on Monday in Helsinki with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
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