"Brotzu lotion": the miraculous remedy made in Sardinia against alopecia arrives on the market


the "Brotzu lotion"long awaited by men and women with alopecia, will be on the market by December. Created by a team of Cagliari researchers with the guide Giovanni and Giuseppe Brotzu, respectively son and nephew of the same name of the great doctor and pharmacologist who contributed in 1945 to the discovery of cephalosporins, was born a brilliant intuition.

"We started our studies to find a solution to some of the side effects of diabetes – revealed the surgeon at the Unione Sarda at the beginning of the year – more particularly to microcirculation defects that cause annoying and painful ulcers. The same ones that usually trigger the degeneration of hair bulbs. "In fact, the therapy not only healed the lesions, but he has also made hair grow in abundance on the treated area.

Hence the idea of ​​using it also for the treatment of alopecia. The beneficial effects of the preparation were evident in subjects suffering from various forms of alopecia: from androgenetics (baldness) to ventilated, aesthetically unpleasant due to the lack of circumscribed hair in the scalp. "The lotion is effective – ensures Brotzu – has been tested on sixty volunteers and has confirmed its effectiveness". There is even a page on Facebook "Alopecia, movement for the release of Brotzu lotion". And now, for those struggling with the problem, there is nothing left to wait.

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