Burioni launches a site against the "antiscientifici somari & # 39; – Sanità


No longer vaccines, but homeopathy, antibiotics, usually all areas of medicine populated "anti-scientific donkeys". Roberto Burioni, the virologist of San Raffaele of Milan, who became famous in fighting the false information on vaccination, "double" with a site, medicalfacts.it, online from today, which joined the famous page on Facebook.
"I wanted to close the page – he explains – because I was bored, but I realized that I had managed to establish a relationship of trust with the public and that with as time goes by, you can not waste such a heritage.There are still too many entities that smooth hair to somari antiscientific ". Vaccines will not be the only subject on the site. "I decided with a few friends, starting with my colleague Nicasio Mancini, to raise the standard and do something more stimulating.Long lies around everywhere, and this will be a place where you can search for I already write their offer, I hope I have made it clear that social media and the Internet are not enemies that doctors have to fight, but tools to use in the relationship with patients.The site will also be useful for quickly finding answers on touchdowns there are months on Facebook, which are harder to find there. "
Currently, the site, led by Andrea Amato and collaborating with Michele Dalai and Alessandro Scarinci as communication experts, is based on Burioni's personal resources. "At the moment, we are working with my personal funds.In the future, I like to think that such an initiative can arouse the interest of institutions.We love everyone who cares about the correct scientific information.
Two will be the fundamental points, transparency and independence, we will not accept anything that conditions the content. (ANSA).



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