Burning Northern California: Thousands evacuated, homes destroyed



Burns in California. The flames have already caused at least two deaths, dozens of injuries and the evacuation of 10,000 people, as well as the destruction of 65 buildings while at least 500 other buildings are threatened by fire. As Greece fought its bonfires, the violent fire on the west coast of America, called "Carr Fire," erupted on Monday as a result of a mechanical breakdown of a vehicle in the Whiskeytown National Recreation Area. Thanks to the high temperatures, the flames rose rapidly, reaching an area of ​​more than 27 square kilometers Wednesday night to reach 178 square kilometers on Friday morning. For the moment, the authorities communicate, only 3% of the fire is contained: 1,750 firefighters and 10 helicopters were deployed to try to tame the flames. Efforts for the moment have not brought great success.

The fire "is very dangerous and moves by destroying everything in its path," say the authorities, pointing out that the wind and the high and dry temperatures, in some areas up to 45 degrees, complicate the work of firefighters of fire. "We have never seen anything like it except last year," they add, referring to the fire that brought California to its knees in 2017, causing the death of 22 people and the destruction of 5,500 buildings. In addition to the Carr fire in the north, California is also burning in the center, where the flames have forced the closure of Yosemite National Park for the past 30 years. In the south of the state, a man was arrested in the last hours, suspected of causing flames in the southern Cranston area, where the fire on the San Jacinto Mountains is content that's up to 5%.

The gravity of the situation, particularly in northern California, is fueling the controversy over the alarm system and the emergency evacuation in effect. In some counties of the state, the alert and instructions are communicated by SMS on the mobile phone, but only to those who enroll in the service. A system that is not considered reliable because it can only cover a limited part of the population and especially because the flames often cause phone lines and coverage to explode, potentially isolating people. millions of inhabitants in danger.

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