Business Square of Momentum: Ftse Eb to a blast of 22 thousand points, Fca advance


  piazza Affari
Shopping is back in Piazza Affari, as well as on the high prices of the Old Continent. Since the first minutes of trading, the index Ftse Mib has started at a positive pace in positive territory, targeting 22,000 points, after having left yesterday 0.36% on the floor. After departure, the guide index of the Milan Stock Exchange shows an increase of 1.12% to 21.928 points, doing better than the places of Europe, even in Frankfurt which advances from about 1 percentage point after the jump in factory orders (read here)

To rebadure operators the words of the Minister of the Economy, Giovanni Tria that at one time interview with Bloomberg badured of wanting to improve public finances and did not intend to leave the euro. "Our goal – he said – is not to worsen the structural fiscal position, but perhaps to improve it, a factor that clearly implies a threshold for the public deficit." Tria added, however, that the deficit of next year "could be higher" than the 0.9% target set by the previous government in the Def. And on the issue of the euro, the minister reiterated: "Nobody wants to leave the euro, but if we do not solve it, the situation may worsen", referring to dysfunctions of the monetary union that need to be solved.

On the international scene, the question of tariffs still weighs, tomorrow, when new US tariffs could be triggered on Chinese products for 34 billion dollars. This morning, Asian prices weakened, Tokyo falling again (-0.78%). In an address to Parliament, German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned that a trade war between the United States and the rest of the world could provoke a global financial crisis. And meanwhile, the International Monetary Fund has cut estimates on Germany's 2018 GDP (read here). Today, from the macro point of view, there are several indications, thanks to the return to Wall Street trading after yesterday 's Independence Day stop. Meanwhile in Strasbourg, the European Parliament is expected to decide whether to proceed with the reform of copyright rules with the Council and the EU Commission

Back to Piazza Affari, best title of the Milanese list FCA more than 4% to 16.88 euros. To boost purchases on FCA was the indiscretion of the German newspaper Handelsblatt, according to which the US ambbadador to Germany told the leaders of German automakers that the United States is ready to find a compromise to avoid the ## 147 ## 39, enforcement of customs duties to the industry. To this is added the promotion arrived this morning by the badysts of Jefferies who raised the valuation on the redemption of the previous catch. Well also Stm that bounces after the slip of the day before. At the bottom still the luxury titles, with Salvatore Ferragamo yielding 2%, followed by Moncler down 1%.

Finally, we underline the prohibition of orders without limit of price on the shares Longino & Cardenal, which started yesterday on the price list Aim Italia (Read HERE).

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