Bussetti: the alternation of quality and the new recruitment of teachers, thus corrects the good school


The Minister of Education, Marco Bussetti, confirms that alternating school-work is an important educational tool; for this reason, it should not be archived, but rather improved. I find it very important and instructive that students can compete with the world of work, but the ministry can not tolerate paths that are not of the highest quality and high safety standards.

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Revise the Teacher Recruitment System

In his first official speech, at the Senate hearing on the Miur program lines, Bussetti reiterated how the good school should be revised and not abolished. Starting with the teacher recruitment system. The minister explained that we need to think about new tools that take into account the relationship between teachers and their territory, by addressing the problem of transfers, now at unacceptable levels, that do not allow a continuity of education. teaching to the detriment. of the training of our boys. The continuous updating and professional development of teaching staff becomes the founding pillar on which to build a modern educational system, in step with the times and open to global challenges. Bussetti also confirmed that the beginning of the competition in the coming weeks: today more than 1700 managers are regents of one or more institutes, with new entries the workloads will be standardized


On the chapter of the university, Bussetti explains that a multi-year plan is needed, which reinforces the meritocracy. Unfortunately, the average age of teachers in Italian universities is one of the highest in Europe. The number of doctoral students is also a third in Germany and decreases by about 25% compared to 2008. The academic career is more particularly attractive, the salaries are not attractive – said Bussetti -. I am not afraid of brain drain because: international research speaks all the languages ​​of the world; physiological that one of our PhD students feels the need to work abroad for a period. The question is not the start but the failure of return.

Research Agency

Research, finally. For the Minister, it is necessary to evaluate the creation of a national research body: we need so much money that can only be recovered from the public, but from a public-private partnership in favor of research. I want to act on the funding available in the EU, I want to get as much funding as possible from the next funding framework that has a total value of 100 billion euros. an opportunity not to be missed; we are working to bring a common position to the Brussels table and what.

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