but there is no water. The accountant plunges


A bathroom, free more, in the municipal pool finally reopened for the summer season? Maybe, if only there was water to dive. Tragicomica surprised by Rieti the one who welcomed this morning many users – mostly young and very young – who showed up at the municipal pool of Via Theseider for the first opening day: the big tank full for a quarter, with showy traces of mud floating on the surface and, in fact, the absolute impossibility of being able to enjoy part of the municipal structure, which in its first day of activity – had announced with emphasis the City led by the muscular mayor of the center-right Antonio Cicchetti – guaranteed free entry for everyone. No expense in sum, but also no water: stuff that even Fantozzi on vacation at Capri off road with the Miss Silvani .

(Fantozzi's dive at minute 2 "50")

Anger has led many people to leave, while for those who chose to stay there is nothing left to try to dive into the small pool reserved for children and members of summer camps.

"It's a problem being resolved – explains a municipal pool manager – We worked two weeks to clean the entire structure, which is not maintained during the winter, and we are waiting to completely fill the tank. to make it usable in the next two days. "

Meanwhile, at lunch time, many continue to choose to leave: in their words, the intention to move to the remaining private structures of the city and province.

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