Buying senator, confirmed the prescription for Silvio Berlusconi


  Buying Senator, confirmed the prescription for Silvio Berlusconi

The Supreme Court upheld the prescription in the process of selling Senators against Silvio Berlusconi who demanded acquittal on the charge of bribery. The crime was reconverted into abusive bribery, as requested by the Pg, but the result of the statute of limitations declared by the Naples Court of Appeal on April 20, 2017 remained unchanged. The facts refer to the 3 million data given to former Senator Idv De Gregorio

Berlusconi's defense, with Professor Franco Coppi, had baderted that "parliamentary activity is indisputable and he can not be established if a vote is the result of a donation of money: the vote is covered by parliamentary immunity and can not be investigated ". Nicolo & # 39; Ghedini, had instead disputed the establishment of a civil party of the Senate

According to the indictment, Berlusconi had former Senator Sergio Idv From Gregorio 3 million euros to pbad from center to center voting for the mistrust of the prodi government in 2008.

In Berlusconi Trial, with the former director of the Avanti Valter Lavitola, was sentenced to 3 years with the suspension of public duties for 5 years, while De Girolamo had negotiated a 20-month sentence in 2013. Only the leader of Forza Italia and his party were the only ones to appeal. Despite the limitation period, the constitution of a civil party of the Senate remains the possibility, in a separate judgment, to obtain compensation for damages arising from the purchase and sale of the function parliamentary

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