"By currents of the left" Clash still Lega-toghe


The conflict between Lega and the judiciary becomes more and more difficult. After approval by the Cbadation to block current accounts of Carroccio after the conviction of Bossi and Belsito the duel between the Carroccio and togas became more and more difficult day after day. And now the controversy is going on with a sentence from Undersecretary of Justice, Jacopo Morrone, who said at a meeting with young magistrates: "You know which part I belong to, the League , and I hope that justice is free, I especially hope that you will get rid of those who are left. "

After these words, some of the attendees dropped out of the meeting and made it the controversy immediately broke out. The under-secretary, however, does not overthrow and reiterates his position: "I said these words because, as you know, my party has an open question with these magistrates". At the words of Morrone the CSM responded with the protest of one of the members, the former Naples prosecutor, Antonello Ardituro addressing the under-secretary said: " The statements of the undersecretary are unacceptable in content and very serious as in the context in which they were made.A training meeting for young magistrates can not be exploited for political purposes by those who are invited to represent the ministry. of Justice ". Ardituro also asked the Bonafede Seals to act on Morrone. Finally, the ANM also points to the under-secretary: "Serious and unacceptable statements because they were made in an institutional framework and in a context of training of young magistrates, whose reaction was disconcerting, both because they came from a government representative invited to the meeting in its institutional capacity. "

After a moment Morrone with a precise note: " In the judiciary there are no currents better than others, and my words pronounced this morning at the CSM are a personal opinion represents the minister's position, in this sense – he adds – I had an impetuous and unfortunate exit from context and representation. Really however the political stance, the League has always criticized the currents in the judiciary because they lead to the distortions that have emerged several times reported in several years. It was not my intention to replace the minister with whom I respect and respect the position. a large majority of the judiciary that accomplishes its mission with self-sacrifice and impartiality ".

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