California, 6 dead in fires. Evacauata part of the Napa Valley


The US federal government approved aid on Saturday for California while thousands of firefighters fought to contain a series of violent fires that killed at least six people and destroyed at least 500 buildings. At least 37 thousand people have been evacuated. Emergency also in some areas of Napa Valley where the famous California wine is produced. In declaring the state of emergency in California, President Donald Trump "ordered federal aid to supplement state and local intervention efforts because of the emergency conditions resulting from the war. a fire from July 23, "said the White House.

  California, 6 dead in fires. Evacauata is part of the Napa Valley

The largest of the fires that threaten the western state has nearly doubled, while another has forced thousands of people to flee and a third has forced closure partial of the famous National Park of Yosemite

Two young children and their 70 year old grandmother, Melody Bledsoe, died in the so-called "Carr Fire" (because it began to burn a broken down car). . The fire also killed two firefighters, said the California Department of Forests and Fires, while another – the "Ferguson Fire & # 39; – killed another firefighter.

The 'Carr Fire & # 39; in northern California – which began last Monday – consumed 32,749 hectares, up from 19,551 on Friday, again according to the State Department of Forests and Fires. "Winds, high temperatures and dry vegetation still have the potential to fuel the growth of fire: the spread of fire has been active in all directions and has made significant strides," said the spokesman. State body it takes care to protect public and private forests from fires. The governor Jerry Brown had asked Friday for federal help "to save lives and protect property," and here is Trump's response, with the green light for federal help.

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