California fires, 9 missing, 38 thousand evictions. Trump declares state of emergency – North America


President Donald Trump declares the State of California emergency following fires, which kneel the northern states. The flames have already destroyed at least 500 buildings and forced thousands to evacuate. At least nine people are missing, adding to the death toll of two confirmed deaths, in the devastating fire that devours northern California around Redding, forcing at least 38,000 people to evacuate their homes in the north. 90,000 inhabitants of the city. In three days, the "Carr fire" has already burned an area of ​​over 20,000 hectares, destroyed at least 500 houses and reduced the ruins of the village of Keswick, with 450 inhabitants.

A fire that drought, heat and winds are particularly dangerous and unpredictable, say the spokesmen of the approximately 3 400 firefighters engaged tirelessly since Wednesday in front of bonfires spreading in all directions, in particular pushing towards the southeast. Between the heat and the winds, firefighters struggle to tame the fire, which is only 5%.


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