Campania the first region by the number of sellers millionaires on eBay


eCommerce makes you rich, and a lot. According to eBay's internal data, the number of millionaire users is steadily growing in Italy: in 2017, more than 121 online businesses achieved a turnover exceeding $ 1 million, up 5% from 2016 and even two years ago. Just Campania is confirmed as the land of successful entrepreneurs, ranked first in the ranking of regions with the highest number of millionaires with 25%, followed by second place in Lombardy with 17%. To close the podium, Sicily and Puglia with respectively 10% and 9%

A positive trend that shows how e-commerce can be a fundamental lever to do business, even in contexts where traditional entrepreneurship to take off. In fact, the southern regions of Italy are home to almost half of all millionaires on (48%), followed by the North (28%) and the Center (24%). Figures that confirm that the South is increasingly a laboratory in which we successfully experiment new ways of doing business: from Campania, and more specifically from Caserta, Alberto Liguori and Gregorio Fraulo, owners of Golden Outlet, a Online business specialized in "Thanks to the eBay system, the costs we had to bear were very limited and it allowed us to leave without having to ask for loans or advances. For the first year and a half, we reinvested all the gains in the goods and gradually structured ourselves. Today, we are a solid company, with a millionaire business figure that has steadily grown. "

From Naples comes Carlo Di Maio, thirty years running with his father Giovanni Città Gomme workshop." EBay has allowed us to grow a lot, reaching customers previously unobtainable, "explains Carlo: "It all started by chance when I put on sale alloy wheels that we had in stock.After a few hours, they had already been bought and from there, I understood how strategic it was to support an online store with our store From 2004 to today, we have sold more than 8,000 online items to buyers worldwide. "What are the sectors in which we operate? these successful sellers The category with the highest number of millionaires is Consumer Electronics (38%), followed by Home and Furnishing (32%), up from previous years.The Auto Parts and Motorcycles rankings (23%) and Clothing (7%) are closed.

Grâc At eBay, many Italian companies have the opportunity to open up to international markets and access a pool of over 175 million active buyers. world. It's not a coincidence that, on eBay, nearly 7 in 10 Italian vendors sell their products abroad. In addition, eBay never competes with its own vendors, since it does not sell or buy anything directly, but is only intended to support businesses that decide to open to e-commerce, a model that allows many Italian SMEs to grow "We are particularly pleased to see the number of millionaire sellers increase year on year on These data show that our platform is growing. a business accelerator and accelerator of success, "said Susana Voces, general manager of eBay in Italy and Spain." The fact that there are millionaires spread throughout the world. " Italy, with a good concentration in the South, shows that e-commerce is today a fundamental resource for all business realities.These figures encourage us to work even harder to guarantee our more than 35,000 salespeople pr Italian professionals a platform that allows them not only to easily start an online business, but also to develop it over time to achieve a significant size and business figure. , as a proof of how e-commerce can be a fundamental support for entrepreneurship. "

Amazon doubles the fees and also buys the stores

" Important change to your Amazon Prime subscription ".It is the title of the mail that the members of the fast delivery service, such as it" is written, received yesterday from the US logistics giant.In the body of the missive, after the thanks for being a "loyal" customer, the bad news: "The price of the annual subscription will increase to 36 euros per "The two? short time? But above all, how much did it cost before? In the email, of course, there is not written to prevent the customer" faithful "from realize immediately that the "only" 3 euros per month of the new subscription are in fact almost a doubling of what was asked previously, namely 19, 99 euros a year

Two other news related yesterday to Jeff's jewel Bezos: the first is the strike of employees of the largest Amazon logistics center in Spain, The second is that, after contributing to the failure of the US chain of toys "R" Us and benefiting in the following days on the stock market, now Amazon, told the Bloomberg agency, is considering to d & # 39; buy some of his stores. A joke, after the damage

Returning to the premium subscription, once considered the facts, the first thought is whether it is worth continuing to be a "loyal" paying customer. The main services offered by the subscription are: "Unlimited shipments in 1 day on more than 2 million products and in 2-3 days on several millions". The writer lives in Milan and the five / six purchases made over the last year via Amazon took no less than four to five days before arriving at destination, including Prime. Then there is Prime Video, a selection of movies and TV shows, a service never used because of the competition. "Amazon Prime customers also benefit from Prime Photos, which offers unlimited storage to store all your memories and early access to Flash offers, which allows you to buy your favorite deals 30 minutes earlier." Essential services? Better to think about it: the increase is triggered "from 4 April 2018 for new registrations and from 4 May 2018 for already registered customers".

How to cancel: once your account entered, click on the link "My Amazon Prime" in the window that opens with the mouse on the word "Accounts and lists", at the top right. In the left column, the last entry is "Unsubscribe – Waiver of Premiums". And once clicked, Amazon says, "Are you sure you want to give up the benefits of Amazon Prime?" Three options are offered: "Remind me later", "End my benefits", "Keep my benefits". 'Remind me later' … the power of marketing

PROS AND AGAINST BUY ONLINE Economic reasons (lower price), the larger badortment (wider selection of products) and the most important. Conscious buying (ability to compare products and learn about their features) are the main reasons for buying on the Internet. Reasons regarding the emotional sphere of the consumer, who believes that he can choose better and make the best buy (of course, also in terms of price, but not only). The main reasons for those who do not buy on the internet are the lack of relationship with the seller (who is on the other side of the screen? Who wonders if I need to advice?), Unable to check the product and, therefore, the fear of not being able to return it (is it really how they describe or how it appears from the photos? How can I know that the good size is?) How can I buy without trying the product? ? With what costs?); Lack of confidence in online payment methods (is the system secure?) I trust you to enter credit card details online, install them immediately or when the goods are delivered and if the goods are not safe. Not arrive? should I change my mind and I want to return the goods?). The theme of credit card data security in online transactions is a central element for the development of e-commerce. According to ContactLab data, 63% of customers are willing to give up the purchase if they can not find a payment system that can provide them with security. On the security in the online purchase will affect the evolution of payment systems. In recent years, prepaid credit cards and other solutions ideal for e-commerce like PayPal have spread. The development of solutions capable of guaranteeing an ever higher level of security thanks to the tools of protection of the buyer and to the facility of reimbursement in the event of fraud can be a triggering factor of a progressive acceleration of the phenomenon of the e-commerce, reducing the level of "anxiety" that some may try to buy a product online without being able to touch it, try, see live and interact directly with the seller, but only to through a screen. In 2013, the value of online sales increased by credit card (71%) or PayPal (21%) while the impact of other payment instruments decreased from bank transfer (4%) to payment on delivery (3%).

THE TURNING IN THE DETAILED TRADE IS THE CORRECT USE OF THE WEB – ONLINE STRATEGY Small independent shops, often in isolated positions compared to the main shopping streets, now have tools available that go beyond from the brochure or sandwich. Although some traditional forms of promotion remain effective, today, in the digital age, the store has the opportunity to occupy a first place in a huge square, that of the web, which almost all pbad consumers. The store, thanks to a correct digital presence, can, in fact, have an "additional window" to intercept customers, tell their specificities, build a relationship, stimulate visits to the physical store, promote initiatives and, where appropriate , close online sales. Online intervention opportunities to attract new customers and strengthen the relationship and quality of service to existing customers are broad, and this choice is linked to the specificities of the store and the strategic options put in place by its manager. The Internet business is not different from offline activities: just as you can not improvise the opening of a physical store, it is also not recommended to start the business in line without proper planning. Online business, as well as the management of a physical store, requires constant supervision and gradual improvement. In general, by making a strong but necessary simplification, it is possible to identify three phases that characterize the "digital presence" of a store and that can mark its evolution by requiring a growing commitment and impact on the activities also offline. The first option is to develop a website to know the store, to specify and choose it, to give a taste to its products and services, to provide useful information and to encourage customers to visit the store: "Digital showcase". The second option integrates the presence of the store on the web with a strong involvement of users, its profiling and the consequent customization of the relationship and the service offered, in order to reinforce the link with the customers who have bought and can decide to do so at again, but also with those who have not yet decided to buy and could do it in the future: a showcase with tools to engage visitors.

USE OF THE INTERNET IN ITALY Even in Italy, despite all the well-discussed and well-known difficulties (bandwidth, connection difficulties in areas with little or densely populated areas, digital divide and lack digital knowledge by a large part of the population, etc.) The Internet is an inexorable and expanding phenomenon. 60% of households access the network, a percentage that reaches 85.7% in households where there is a minor. 44% 1 of families have an activated cell phone to connect to the Internet. This phenomenon has significant impacts on the modes of interaction and communication between the store and the customers. In fact, the mobile phone, with the keys to the house and the wallet, is one of the few items that we always have with us, which greatly increases the possibilities of use. The evolution of the internet has therefore led to a growth of opportunities for communication and interaction with the outside (e-mail, video calls, phone calls over the network, chat, blogs , participation in social networks), by far the most frequent activity, with peaks of over 80% of surfers in the case of the use of e-mails

ELECTRONIC COMMERCE IN ITALY In 2013 the e-commerce market, understood as the value of purchases of Italians 12.6 billion euros (+ 15% compared to 2012). If we only consider the value of sales sites with activities in Italy, this equates to 11.3 billion euros3. In Italy, e-commerce grew from 2006 to today at a rate of about 20% per annum (excluding the only transition from 2008 to 2009 where it remained substantially constant, since it must obviously be interpreted taking into account the peak of the crisis and compared to the trend of the turnover of companies that have not made e-commerce). Small and medium-sized e-commerce businesses grew by + 1.3% per year over the three-year period 2008-2010, compared with -4.5% of those that did not. online presence and -2.4% of which had only one site showcase.

But who are the online shoppers? It's not just young people (who are always the biggest users of the Internet in general), because you have to earn some income to spend by spending a lot, even online, or the richest, usually later with age (especially in Italy) which, due to demographics and average transaction size, still use traditional buying channels. However, the biggest online buyers are the medium-high bands, which have a significant weight both in terms of overall volumes and especially of influence vis-à-vis others (called Opinion Makers).

tourism is part of the lion, favored by the established habit of reserving a room for reservations (before it is done by fax, now online), or to pay in advance the amount of the travel (it is normal to pay before using the service), as well as the online sale of transport tickets (plane, train, etc.) which represents 72% of the total sales of the sector. The role played by computer and electronics is also important, favored by means of navigation (the computer, the connection), insurance and financial services in general (similarly that prepaid tourism, coupled with significant investment of the banking sector promote online services, in order to reduce costs). The publication is favored by the digitization of books, songs, videos, etc. Surprisingly, but only for those who are not familiar with the sector, clothing (of which e-commerce accounts for 2.5% of the sector's total retail sales), has the highest growth rate for the sixth year in a row (+ 30%).

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