Canada, #MeToo also touches Trudeau


NEW YORK- Born of the misdeeds of American producer Harvey Weinstein, the long wave of the #MeToo movement hits Justin Trudeau. The 46-year-old Liberal Prime Minister of Canada is accused of touching a journalist at a music festival held 18 years ago. In recent weeks, Trudeau has always refused to talk about the case. Now, tightened by the media, it was limited to a half-denial: "I remember this festival, but no negative interactions."

The Prime Minister's response did not please the women's organizations, and much less to the Canadian right: who was immediately accused of using double standards. Trudeau, in fact, had been uncompromising in removing Kent Hehr, involved in badual harbadment, and punishing four members of his party for the same reasons.

The facts that are rumbled back to August 2000, when Trudeau was 28 years old, was working as a teacher and his father Pierre, who had preceded him as Canadian prime minister, was still alive. The Kokanee Summit Music Festival in Creston, a small town in British Columbia, a few miles from the US border, was held during these summer days, sponsored by a brewing industry. Justin went there to collect funds for the Avalance Foundation, an badociation that promotes avalanche protection measures, created in the honor of his brother Michel, who two years earlier had been crushed and killed by a mbad of snow on the ski slopes. And at the Trudeau Festival, he was interviewed by a young journalist from Creston Valley Advance the local newspaper, who claims to have been "improperly" touched during the interview.

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