Canone Rai, deadline of July 31 to request an exemption: things to know


Canone Rai today is the last day to apply for an exemption. July 31, indeed, the deadline for submission of the application to obtain the exemption of the payment of the television license expires.

Who can apply for an exemption? As already specified taxpayers of age equal to or greater than 75 years may "claim not to pay the Rai tax" "in possession of the conditions required to benefit from the exemption of payment". To do this, it is sufficient to submit a substitute affidavit accompanied by the unauthenticated photocopy of the identity document. The deadline is also the same for those who intend to benefit from the benefit for the first time in the second half of 2018, provided that they have reached the age of 75 at the end of the month.

Rai exemption tax, here are the conditions

They are exempt from the payment of the Rai tax citizens over 75 years (which must be completed within the payment period of the fee for the year 2018). Who can claim the exemption should not cohabit with another person who has an income and must have an income not exceeding 8000 thousand euros on the basis of thirteen months. The limit was raised from the previous quota set at 6,713.98 euros, by a decree of the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Economic Development last February.

Canon Rai, Tax Contributions and 730: What Is Payable in July

Contributions that are entitled to an exemption must use the appropriate form for the surrogate declaration that is on the Inland site Revenue and on this dedicated to the Rai tax. The surrogate declaration may be submitted – with a photocopy of the piece of identification – to any territorial office of the Revenue Agency. It can also be sent with a recommendation, without an envelope, to the following address: Agenzia delle Entrate – Turin 1 Sat Office – Subscription service TV – Casella Postale 22, 10121 – Turin

Exemption from fees Rai, useful information

Under the same conditions of exemption, it is not necessary to submit other declarations to continue to benefit from the facility in the following years.

As for those who are active for the first time a subscription to the radio and television service during the year, it is necessary to send the request for exemption within 60 days from the date on which the obligation to pay the tax.

Those who, although entitled to the exemption, have already paid the Rai tax, can claim the refund (but beware of fraudulent e-mails). Just download the corresponding form by going to the Inland Revenue site.

Canone Rai, who is entitled to an exemption: the infographic of the Revenue Agency

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