Cardboard instead of plaster in Reggio Calabria, doctors: "As a field hospital in wartime"


REGGIO CALABRIA – Nas Inspections, internal investigations, polemics. Twenty-four hours after the broadcast of the images that testify how in the emergency room of the Grand Hospital of Reggio Calabria more than one patient with fractures or dislocations was treated with cardboard instead of Splints or clips, in town hunting has been inevitable the tail of the controversy and the rebound of responsibility.

Deny all or almost the primary of the emergency room, Angelo Ianni, according to which there would be only one case and the patient would arrive in the emergency room "already with cardboard stabilization and we did not remove it just to not waste time and do an X-ray immediately to avoid any complication, we did not remove the cardboard so as not to waste time " . And then – he says – "the guardians that are used are also cardboard, they are only aesthetically more pleasing". But the distributed photos show that cardboard has been used in at least four cases and that visible bandages – suggests a doctor – seem too professional for home medicine.

Partially different from that provided by Ianni is the version of the managing director, Frank Benedetto. At the end of a meeting of the company management, expanded to the heads of the emergency and orthopedics, Benedict, today cardiologist called to be the director of the metropolitan metropolitan hospital, not only confirmed the case described by Ianni, but – he has made note note – further investigations are underway on a second case. This is another patient "received in first aid on July 30 at 7.11 who is saved at the site of the 118 accident, where a guardian is applied with a metal core (not radiotransparent) .Went to the emergency room at 7.11 was visited at 7:16 in green code Considering the need to submit the patient to x-ray examinations, he was sent to radiology with temporary immobilization of "cardboard" and radiolucent. "

For Gianluigi Scaffidi of the doctors' union Anaoo-Assomed "is not It is true that this is only one case in the absence of primary, there are four confirmed cases, at least those of which we have photographic confirmation, and it is not fair to accuse colleagues of negligence, when the primary misses. "Carlo Palermo, who is National Secretary of Ao-Assomed, does not Not hesitate to point the finger at the containment policies that leave the departments exhausted parts of vehicles and personnel. "As a wartime campaign hospital, the major savings in the system, the art of switching to therapeutic practice". For Palermo, "Calabria has thus become a non-place of public health, created by the spasmodic search for the security of accounts that took the place of the security of care, the supremacy of the number that occupied the space rights, of unfitness To clarify, perhaps, will be the Carabinieri of Nas sent this morning to the Great Metropolitan Hospital by Minister Giulia Grillo, to find out what he did not hesitate to define "an episode of extreme gravity." For Grillo, "no one intends to underestimate the objective difficulties in which operators operate, but what is past, if it is confirmed, is the result of obvious and unjustifiable organizational deficiencies. "On the situation – he said – expects a report as soon as possible.But at least a little" will wait because l & # 39; 39th inspection this morning – confirm the sources inside the hospital al – "lasted for hours."

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