Carige, Malacalza against Fiorentino & C –


  Vittorio Malacalza "title =" Vittorio Malacalza "src =" "data-original =" 2018/07/201807181915315435 / malacalza-vittorio-534594.jpg "/> </figure>
<p>  The level of the battle on Carige <span clbad= rises even more, after the resignation of President Giuseppe Tesauro and directors Stefano Lunardi and Francesca Balzani, followed a few days after those of the vice president and first shareholder (20%) Vittorio Malacalza, now the same entrepreneur of Piacenza but Genoese by adoption goes to the attack formally.

In particular, l & rsquo; # 39; shareholder reference, as we read in a note published in the evening contemplates recourse to the lawsuit against the general manager Paolo Fiorentino and other senior executives of the institute. " following the internal and external affairs that affected Banca Carige and that finally, they have determined, for the reasons that he has already had occasion to express in the official letter already presented, to resign, even if postponed, from the post of member from the board of directors of the company, the shareholder Malacalza appointed the lawyer Alessandro Vaccaro will review the documents, conduct and facts set up by senior management during the troubled management of the Carige to badess whether, in relation to the same, profiles of criminal relevance are identified, reserving, in the case, to take the most appropriate initiatives to protect his person ", explains the statement issued by l & # 39; contractor.

A frontal and very harsh attack to which, however, Fiorentino responded promptly: "I am very calm.Examine all the cards with the greatest attention: they are and we are very calm," said l & # 39; striker of the main shareholder of the Ligure institute, a bank expected by the board of directors on August 3 for the convening of the calendar in the week of September 17 to 22) who will have to name the new office.

A particularly warm sitting given that at present no one of the institute's weight-bearing members has the opportunity to have a majority in council, as the even Malacalza, who has so far invested nearly 400 million (with a latent capital loss of nearly 300 million), with 20% it's not sure to have half plus one of 15 In the battle will be the financier Raffale Mincione (today at 5.4% but ready to go up to 9.9%) and Gabriele Volpi (9.9%), longtime rival of Malacalza, the latter entrepreneur who has already been authorized by the ECB to raise its stake to 29%. At the back, they move the minority shareholders: SGA (5.4%), Coop (2%) and Aldo Spinelli (1.1%).

The level of confrontation has increased to the point that, according to what has been learned from financial sources after the ECB would be particularly attentive to the evolution of the situation. To the point that, market rumors, refer to a letter sent in recent days from Frankfurt to the address of Malacalza himself

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