Letter from the first shareholder in response to the ECB: "We confirm our commitment to support the bank and the territory and to trust the potential of the institution"

  Carige, Malacalza request the badembly to dismiss the entire board

An badembly that revokes the entire board of directors. The request comes from Malacalza Investimenti, a leading shareholder of Banca Carige, who in a letter responded to heavy ECB comments. The European Central Bank, over the past few days, had announced the rejection of Carige's heritage preservation plan, asking for a new update by November 30, having even evaluated the hypothesis of "Group of companies". Carige had published the letter Sunday, already inserting comments in response to what was disputed. And in his letter, Malacalza Investimenti moves away from this communication strategy. "According to a press release from Banca Carige, already published yesterday afternoon and filtered by the press before being published on its website this morning, we learn the reception by the bank of one." draft decision of the ECB which provides, among other, an invitation to resolve problems related to the governance and disposition of the badets of the bank.But it is mostly on the substance of the issues raised that Malacalza Investimenti takes position, recalling that the participation of Carige had conferred to the capital increase "the huge amount of $ 500 million in the surrender as this disbursement, as well as the disposal of badets what s & rsquo; Is reflected by a capital increase of more than a billion and large losses, exhausts the needs of the bank, according to the representations of management. "In short, this was not the case, and for the moment, we have to make new demands. She is convinced that she also reaches this new goal, confident "in the validity of its fundamentals and in its capacity for recovery". But all this will have to be tackled with a new governance. Hence the request to convene the meeting "to deliberate on the dismissal of all members of the board of directors." Malacalza Investimenti believes that even the definition and implementation of other interventions requested by the ECB can not be guided by who, having managed the previous phase and having obtained a judgment from the ECB of complete non-compliance with the requirements of capital on 1 January 2018, the day after the completion of the capital increase, prepared the new capital preservation plan which the ECB now shows not to share