Carpenter killed, arrested the suspect – Sicily


(ANSA) – PALERMO, JULY 29 – The murder of Nicola Bifara,
Carpenter, 46, from Partinico (Pa), reportedly arrived for
jealousy. At 23, yesterday, during another long interrogation
by Commissioner Carlo Nicotri and Claudio
Camilleri, the alleged murderer Leonardo Celestre, 51, has
continued to deny. The man is in custody for
intentional homicide aggravated by futile reasons and illegal carriage
d & # 39; weapon. For the investigators it is he who killed the carpenter with
five shots yesterday morning at Partinico in an alley
from Provincial Road 2 in Margi Sottana District. sure
alleged killer there are several clues from the
testimony of a person who was in the place of the
crime when he arrived: it would be a colleague of the victim who
Celestre without hesitation. In the suspect's house was found
a pistol compatible with the one used and the pbadionate motive
it is also confirmed by the wife who admitted the relationship with
the victim recently discovered by her husband.


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