Casamonica, interdisciplinary antimafia for the funeral home that organized the funeral show: "Links with the Camorra"


The funeral of Vittorio Casamonica in 2015

In 2015, they took charge of the Casamonica funeral show in Rome. Today, the heirs of Cesarano "The kings of the Neapolitan funeral home have received the ban antimafia", announced today the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini. "A series of evidences has been released against them concerning links with the Camorra.It is still a blow for the clans and their supporters.Thanks to the police, to the prefect, to the investigators.The pacchus is over and we do not stop, "says the owner of Viminale.

Eredi Cesarano Srl was engaged in the summer of 2015 by the Romanina clan for the funeral of Vittorio Casamonia in the large church of Don Bosco, in eastern Rome, with cars, explosions, in which the founder s & rsquo; called "King of Rome", music of the godfather played by a group of musicians and petals of roses thrown from the helicopter, to complete the funeral rites.

At the time, Ciro Cesarano, one of the owners of the Calvizzano agency, was trying to justify what had happened: "The funeral carriages are not new. We have contacts with funeral agencies all over Italy as we are among the few to have transportation equipment. When a request comes in, we do not even know who the person is, because we only have contact with the agencies. We went to Rome many times, even a dozen days ago, for the funeral of a boy who died in a car accident. The rent of a car is on average about two thousand euros. "Then he added:" He was a boss but he was a free man. A boss usually stays in prison. " Last updated: 17h05 © RESERVED COPY

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