Catalonia, no extradition for Puigdemont: the judge withdraws the warrant of international arrest


L & # 39; extradition? No thanks. While not having to submit to the dictate of German justice – which in recent days had deemed legitimate only the charge of embezzlement rejecting this, much more serious, rebellion (punishable offense in Spain with 30 years of prison) – the judge of the Supreme Court of Madrid, Pablo Llarena decided to withdraw the warrant of international arrest against the former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont and five other separatist leaders repaired abroad. The order of detention in Spanish territory remains in force

. This means that Puigdemont, currently free in Germany, will now enjoy complete freedom of movement around the world but will not be able to return. in Barcelona. And like him the former councilors Toni Comín, Meritxell Serret, Lluis Puig and Clara Ponsatí and the former general secretary of Esquerra Republicana, Marta Rovira. Judge Llarena therefore chooses the only solution that, for the moment, allows him not to question the entire accusatory system formulated in recent months (from last October, when the Parliament of Catalonia approved the declaration of Independence) against all the staff of the secessionist movement. If Puigdemont had been delivered to Madrid by the German authorities, the Spanish judiciary could have taken into consideration that the accusatory hypothesis recognized as admissible by the Schleswig-Holstein court, namely that of embezzlement of public funds (the possibility that the former president he used the money from the funds of the Generalitat, the regional administration, to organize the secessionist referendum of 1 October last, declared illegal by the Spanish Constitutional Court). In this case, since it was a minor offense, not only would it have been impossible to make a presumption of preventive detention for Puigdemont

But in all likelihood, Llarena should have released all the other heads of independence who are in prison (first in the Madrid region), recently transferred to Catalan prisons) arrested between October and January. From former Vice President Oriol Junqueras to the two "Jordis" (the former presidents of the civil society movements Anc Anc and Cultural Omnium, Jordi Sánchez and Jordi Cuixart), to the l. ex-foreign and inland Governor, Raül Romeva and Joaquim Forn, in addition to the presidential candidate for the region Jordi Turull, arrested 24 hours after losing the vote of parliamentary investiture

No freedom, however, for all: today, the prosecution rejected the liberation hypothesis, retaining the same criterion followed at the time of the conservative government of Mariano Rajoy in spite of the arrival in recent weeks of a new state Attorney General, Maria Jose Segarra, appointed on the proposal of the Socialist Executive of Pedro Sánchez .

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