Catania, university of low rank: it occupies a penultimate position


Even during the 2016/17 academic year, enrollment rose in Italian universities, which showed an increase of 5.2% over the previous year. Bologna is confirmed at the top of the ranking of the best state universities (those with more than 40,000 members), Perugia of the major universities, Middle Siena and Camerino of the small universities

This, in short, the drawn ranking by Censis on Italian universities, taking into account available structures, services provided, level of internationalization and communication skills 2.0. The ranking of the polytechnic schools remains stable, Milan still leading, followed by Venice, Turin and Bari, while the non-state universities under the great command have Milan Bocconi, while the Luiss of Rome dominates the ranking of universities. medium and Bolzano that of the small

Secondly, among the mega universities, is placed, as last year, the University of Florence on a footing of equality with the University of Padua and La Sapienza of Rome. As last year, the last ranked is the University of Naples Federico II, preceded penultimate position by the University of Catania. Finally, the State University of Milan is confirmed to be the third to the last

Among the major universities – between 20 and 40 thousand enrolled – behind the University of Calabria lie the # 39, University of Calabria and the University of Parma. In the ranking of medium-sized universities (from 10 to 20 thousand registered), led by Siena, there are Sbadari and Trento in second and third position. Among the small universities (up to 10,000 members), Camerino is in the lead, while Foggia and Cbadino finish on the podium

On the supply front, the international dimension acquires a weight of more more importantly. During the last school year, more than 44,000 members (nearly 4% of the total) were traveling, studying, and taking exams at a foreign university, and more than 23% of them did so through international mobility programs other than Erasmus +. , activated thanks to the international cooperation of the various universities

The latter, for their part, welcomed more than 29,000 foreign students on the move. In 2016, nearly 9% of the courses taught were entirely in English or with specific programs entirely in English, while 13% of the courses provided for the issuance of a double or joint degree (double / joint degree). [19659002]

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