Cavaliers, sentence of the Milan Court: this is not a subordinate job


While the new Minister of Labor and Economic Development, Luigi Di Maio, fights for the protections of the horsemen and pending the stipulation of the first sectorial CNNL An important decision of the Milan Court stipulates that whoever plays this role can not be considered as a subordinate worker . The request of a rider who asked a renowned company in the sector, specializing in home deliveries, to be recognized as a "permanent employee" was therefore rejected.

The sentence left the worker bitter. Currently, riders can not be considered junior employees ; The company is not obliged to convert it indefinitely for not having him sign a contract of employment.

The riders, the economy of the concert: who are they?

It is these workers who work as delivery men who deliver mainly takeaway food, thanks to the opportunities offered by the sites and applications. These are uses c.d. "On request", that is to say, on request, the founders of the new labor economy

So we work only when there is need and especially without protection, nor social security no insurance; since these workers can not be clbadified in any national collective labor contract. These numbers, indeed, were born with the emergence of the crisis, and currently many people are taking advantage of the new technology to be able to bring back some euros at home.

Since the phenomenon of riders is developing more and more, According to the Minister of Labor and Economic Development, it is necessary to regulate these workers with an ad hoc CCNL. This will have to provide all the protections and guarantees of a normal subordinate employee

Cavaliers of the CCNL: first contract in Europe

In those days, the Minister of Labor met the operators of the economy and parties to discuss the delicate subject of the riders.

The intention is to establish the first national collective work contract in Europe for these workers; in order to give more protection and guarantees to those who, for the owner of the Ministries of Labor and Economic Development, are the symbol of an abandoned generation.

The goal could be achieved in two ways:

  • present a law in which the government decides autonomously
  • or involve all those involved in the search for a balanced agreement [19659014] Riders, sentence of the Court of Milan: not subordinate employment

    The rider is not subordinated. To establish it is a recent decision by the Milan Court (reported by that rejected a complaint filed by a worker against a company in the area; request to be clbadified as an employee in the scheduled period of work

    The performance of the work was performed by means of a car and, according to the company's lawyer, it was not There was no obligation to guarantee the service; while also preserving the possibility and the freedom to choose to make deliveries or not.

    From this comes the problem of the regularization of runners. These are workers who work with vehicles at high risk of accident, in some cases even serious and without insurance protection.

    We are considering the idea of ​​setting up an ad hoc permit for this category of workers, in order to avoid accidents discovered by protections. Iconic case: a few months ago, a delivery man returning from a delivery lost a leg during a collision

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