Cazzola vs. Mussolini: "I was from Forza Italia, but I will vote Pd because you make me sick". And Roventini misunderstood


Brawl at The Aria Che Tira Estate (La7) Between the MEP of Forza Italia, Alessandra Mussolini, and the former MP for PDL, Giuliano Cazzola . The economist attacks Lega and M5s defining his exhibitors "boys" then addresses a personal warning to Alessandra Mussolini : "For me on the populism is a modern form of fascism So, I understand very well your position ". "Excuse me, but you were not elected to Forza Italia or do I remember correctly?" Asks the MEP. "Yes" – answers Cazzola – " But from now on I will vote Pd, because you make me sick! ". Mussolini gets up: "But who are you? You make me sick – can not be said. It does not matter to me I am now a beast . They say everything about me and I give nothing more.But I have heard Cazzola's terms as "boys" and "populists." And he is also professor . do not think like you, and those who are all forgiving do not make you talk anymore, I would like to say so much to Cazzola … but I can not tell you because we are on TV ". The controversy comes with difficulty seduced by the leader Francesco Magnani who then gives the floor to the economist Andrea Roventini, proposed four months ago by Luigi Di Maio as Minister M5s to the economy. But as soon as he begins to speak, Roventini is interrupted by Alessandra Mussolini, visibly indignant by the words of Cazzola. It triggers a new quarrel between Mussolini and Roventini, underlined by the deputy as "Professor Fornariano" . Roventini, in turn, misunderstands Cazzola's earlier sentences and declares: "I do not understand why I disgusted him, I did not come from the M5 ". The host explains that the sentence was not addressed to him and comments Mussolini, returning to the bomb: "I am a beast, Cazzola I do not know what it is.Come, Roventini, speak.You are different ".

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