Cdp, on pole, a man of rigor Barachini towards Rai Supervision


Camilla Conti

The turn of public appointments comes to life, with a 350-seat package to be redeployed by 2018. Today, two strategic games are played, as well as the first bench Test for holding the yellow-green alliance: Cdp and Rai. Once the place found, other important funds such as the chair of the new director general of the Treasury and that of the chief of railways could be replaced. The most difficult issue to date has been the choice of the new director general of the CDP, the safe controlled by the MEF and participated by the foundations that manage 250 billion postal savings.

Unless surprises or last-minute turnarounds, the shareholders' meeting called this afternoon after three referrals finally ended with white smoke. The stalemate would have been the same Treasury Minister, Giovanni Tria, who yesterday turned out not to be the hostage of the two government parties announcing the stakes of lump sum tax and stopping the possibility (promoted mostly by the League) of a moratorium reform of the BCC. Well, Tria is ready to deliver on the table the list of names for the forum. The Treasury bookmakers up to twenty-one yesterday gave the three-part scheme: the president Mbadimo Tononi, already a candidate of the Foundations, would be joined by Dario Scannapieco as (returning to the other papabile, l & rsquo; Former Intesa Marcello Sala) and the current financial director of the Cdp, Fabrizio Palermo, promoted general manager. If it is confirmed, the Scannapieco-Tononi ticket with a strong bank footprint would not leave much room for maneuver to Luigi di Maio's wishes on the role of the Cbada as support for the economic policy of the executive . Waiting to know any "compensation" for the discontented.

Of course, on the scale of the approval of the names for the Cdp have weighed the negotiations on the new Rai office so that the same day of the meeting of the Cbada today the Chambers elect the four members (out of seven members: two more are appointed by the MEF, the seventh will be elected by the 19 employees of the TV State Council.The new president – which will then have to be voted by two-thirds of the supervisory commission – should be one of the two members appointed by the Treasury.In the meantime, the panel at the top of the monitoring and guarantee commissions would be found

For the presidency of the supervisory committee of the RAI, the young Senator Alberto Barachini would have appeared, as a symbol of the new course and the reorganization of Forza Italia.At Maurizio Gasparri, until the end, he would still have the presidency of another important body : the senatorial elections and the council of immunity, to the Dem Guerini the Copasir.

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