Cerberus: acquires a 57% stake in Officine Cst


Rome, 6th of July. (AdnKronos) – Cerberus Capital Management and its subsidiaries, the global leader in alternative investments, announce today the acquisition of a 57% stake in Officine Cst SpA, a leading credit management company to the public administration. Headquartered in Rome, Officine Cst provides integrated credit management services to large clients such as banks, institutional investors, utilities and multinationals, as well as small and medium-sized businesses. The company manages credits for more than 16 billion euros and employs 150 resources in Italy. Cerberus has accepted the purchase of the majority stake in Officine CST by the company's founder and CEO, Gianpiero Oddone, and by other shareholders. Oddone will continue to be CEO and remains a shareholder with 28%. Roberto Nicastro, senior advisor to Cerberus, will be non-executive chairman. In Europe, Cerberus has a long history of investing in the credit, private equity and real estate sectors. Since 2010, Cerberus has invested more than 40 billion euros in transactions with leading European financial institutions. Since 2013, he is also the leading European buyer of non-performing loans and real estate badets. In Italy, Cerberus acquired or obtained Npl and Reo secured / unsecured portfolios for a gross value of more than 5.5 billion euros and approximately 400,000 loans, with a purchase price of more than 1.6 billion. Officine CST was founded in 2004 and operates in the origination, badysis, appraisal, certification, management, non-recourse badignment and recovery, extrajudicial and judicial, of credit portfolios significant amount. The company is a leader in the management of credit certification processes for public administration and has managed to date more than 8 million invoices, issued by about 8,000 companies in various Italian regions. Since 2009, after concentrating its operations on loans to the National Health System in the early years, he has extended his credit management services to the entire public administration, both local and central, and to the business credit market. , also interoperable with the PCC (MEF Credit Certification Platform) and with the provision of Legal Master services (complete and highly automated outsourcing of credit management).

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