Cgia: "There are three million black workers, subtracted from the 42.6 billion tax authorities


There are 3.3 million invisible workers who visit the camps, construction sites, warehouses or homes of Italians every day for their work. Although they are unknown to INPS, INAIL and the IRS, the economic effects that they produce are significant. According to the latest estimates established by the CIA's Office of Studies Mestre, this army of irregular workers generates a turnover of 77.3 billion euros a year, subtracting 42.6 billion euros from billion euros in revenue to the tax authorities. An amount, the latter, equal to more than 40 percent of the estimated tax evasion by the technicians of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Not only Treasury coffers, but also the many productive activities and services, craft and commercial enterprises often suffer unfair competition from these subjects. Black workers, who are not subject to social security, insurance and tax contributions, allow companies where they work – or themselves, if they operate in the market as self-employed – to benefit from manpower much lower. practice a very low price for the product / service. Advantages that those who comply with the provisions of the law can not offer.

To counteract undeclared work, continues the Cgia, it is also necessary to reduce taxes and social security contributions, reduce the administrative burden and encourage disincentives and stimulate the economy. emergence, supporting the activity of control. carried out by the appropriate bodies and implementing a major educational operation in all social fields to promote the culture of legality.

The region most threatened by illegal employment is Calabria, which has 146,000 workers in good standing, which represents a percentage of the added value of irregular work on regional GDP of 9.9%. A result that almost doubled compared to the national average (5.2%). This situation, according to the drafting of the Cgia, translates into nearly 1.6 billion euros of revenue lost to the state of Calabria. After Campania, which with 382,900 unregulated work units produces a GDP in black which weighs on the official rate of 8.8%. Average taxes lost in Campania rise to 4.4 billion euros per year. In third place of Sicily, with 312,600 irregular and a weight of the economy overwhelmed on the whole equal to 8.1%, taxes and unpaid contributions reach 3.5 billion euros per year. The territory least affected by the presence of the underground economy Veneto: the 199,400 black workers cause 5.2 billion euros of undeclared value added (equal to 3.8% of regional GDP) that subtract nearly 2.9 billion to the tax authorities of the euro

7 July 2018 (modified 7 July 2018 | 14:28)


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