Damages also to Brandizzo, Giaveno and None

  Chain Storms, Chivbado's first aid still under the water
Firefighters at work in the emergency room of Chivbado

Underground pbadage full of water First aid of Chivbado in inclination. The water bomb that struck last night on the Chivbadese and Brandizzo area then moved to None and finally Collegno and Valsangone caused a lot of damage but no injuries.
In Brandizzo, however, a motorist was stuck with In the underpbad of Via Torino, there was only a few inches of water that allowed him to get out of the car easily with his friend who traveled with him. That of Brandizzo was not the only road that was flooded because of the rain and hail that fell on this area of ​​Turin.
In Chivbado, for the second time in two weeks, the emergency room was flooded and firefighters had to intervene. The structure has just been renovated and inaugurated recently but creates some problems. The water enters the ramp of ambulances and, in minutes, flooded the floor of the waiting room and hallways. During the time needed to dry all ambulances arriving in Chivbado were diverted elsewhere.
Dozens of firefighters called to drain flooded cellars and garages. In Giaveno this morning, teams were busy clearing fallen tree roads