challenge the league in the middle


At lunch, at the Palazzo Grazioli, the "battle of coupons" is being prepared with the leaders of the chamber and the senatorial group, Mariastella Gelmini and Anna Maria Bernini. Beside Silvio Berlusconi, there are directors Gianni Letta, Niccolò Ghedini and Adriano Galliani, all agreeing on the offensive against the Dignità decree, approved Monday. It is the pearl of Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio, whose words Matteo Salvini has distanced himself, and Forza Italia wants to beat the first punch on the table

The blue leader is very worried job choices and skeptical about the real will of Deputy Premier of the Northern League to oppose the M5 line. "Matteo is off to a bad start and here is the future of business and employment in Italy," he says. He looked up to here, but he begins to think that, beyond the different statements, in the action, Salvini and Di Maio proceed together. And then you need a strong signal. The instrument is a bill proposed by Fi on the return to coupons (presented by the Berlusconi II government), presented yesterday to the Senate press, the ram could be just the Carroccio. "Less Di Maio, plus Centinaio", is the slogan that launches Gelmini and Bernini, on the statements of the Minister of Agriculture on the usefulness of good work in his sector. They support the criticism of Confindustria, Confesercenti and others who see the anti-employment law as a "fatal blow to the company", with "the concrete risk of losing thousands of jobs".

allied with the government with the M5, as it requires for a complete rewrite of the decree. "We understand – emphasizes Gelmini – because that day, Salvini chose to be at the Palio di Siena and not at the Council of Ministers." Because center-right people can not love him " . Bernini badures: "We will not abandon the Dignity decree, whose philosophy is totally contrary to the good ones". Fi Giorgio Mulè's spokesperson uses a metaphor: "The dl is looking in the rearview mirror, he wants to turn his hands over the story, and if you only look at the mirror, you're going to crash." In fact, to impose changes to the decree with the votes of Fi and the Democratic Party could undermine the government Is this what Berlusconi wants? Of course, he intends to make an opposition that weighs, because he does less in less confidence in Salvini

Between yesterday and today the Knight has a series of meetings to define the renewal plan for Fi and next week. "To succeed, the center-right must have a solid base component ", Repeats the former Prime Minister.He speaks to the ally of the League and to those who, among the Italians, like the Ligurian governor Giovanni Toti, are pushing for the single party.In Panorama, the president of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, says about his name long term as Vice President of Fi: "I am not looking for positions. But I think that on my name, besides Toti distorting his mouth, no one can object. Planned while it will be recovered in Brussels in 2019, "with Berlusconi, perhaps, his name is seductive". The idea of ​​Cav is to widen the space of Fi and counter the Opa ruler of Carroccio with an Italian Ppe. "It's the moderate electorate, which is in the center, and we still do not see in Salvini's positions that we have to try to win back," says Cavia, Licia Ronzulli at Agora's Estate- Rai3

Among the nodes that Berlusconi must dissolve is that of the Guarantee Commissions: he aims at the top of the Rai Surveillance with Maurizio Gasparri, but the Lega is working on an exchange with the Democratic Party for Copasir.

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