Chieti, the mystery of the Christ of the Abyss: reappears at sea after a month


Eat appear stuck between the rocks near the pier of San Vito in Chieti province, mysteriously as he had disappeared. The bronze statue of "Christ of the Abyss" created by the sculptor Vito Pancella had disappeared on June 4 from the depths of the port of Vallevò in Rocca San Giovanni where she had been since 1994. The work – 73 cm high for 15 kg of weight, created for the badociation Orsa Minore di Lanciano – it is the symbol of the navy of Costa dei Trabocchi. It is the divers who take care of maintenance to sound the alarm.

This morning, Luigi Morgione, a 58-year-old Lanciano diver, found this metal in the murky waters of the Sanvitese Sea, a few kilometers from the original site. The investigations of the Carabinieri of the Ortona Company and the Captaincy, launched in June immediately after the flight report, will now have to determine how the statue, which is in good condition, has returned to the sea.

The first time that he had been brought to the surface to be cleaned, he had been reinstalled in his place. The "Christ of the Abyss" will now be handed to the mayor of Rocca San Giovanni, Gianni Di Rito.

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