Children trapped in the cave in Thailand, one of the murderers dies


  Children stuck in a cave in Thailand, one of the saviors dies

One of the Thai naval seals engaged in the operations of the 12 boys from the cave of Tham Luang died of Lack of oxygen. This was announced by the spokesman of the rescue operations. The 38-year-old man lost consciousness on his return and attempts to revive him failed. Rescue operations were made more complicated as they worked to teach divers to get out of the cave.

It takes 11 hours to return to the cave – It takes 11 hours to complete the round trip between the entrance of Tham Luang Cave and the point where the 12 young players and their trainer were blocked for twelve days. This was revealed by some rescuers who came and went the tortuous four kilometers, some of them being still submerged. In particular, while the first section now allows you to walk with your feet in the water, the last mile abundant between the third intermediate base – which serves as a rest area and supply for rescues – and boys, is traveled in about three

Another entry is sought – It is unlikely that the entire road will be released from water before the weekend, when new rains are expected. Also for this reason, outside the cave, other teams of rescuers continue to search the jungle on the slopes of the mountain, hoping to find another entrance from which the boys can go out.

Many boys, 11 and 16 years old, can not swim and divers teach them the basics of diving. But the steps where you have to dive are very tight and children can swim alone in the dark in muddy waters. The news of the death of one of the rescuers, then, only wipes out the hopes that it is the right solution to make the rescue.

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