Claim by Bagnoli, Minister Lezzi: "We will give the Neapolitans a free and clean beach" – NapoliTime


Visit to Bagnoli of the South Minister Barbara Lezzi, arrested on her arrival by the activists of the Bagnoli Libera Committee

Naples, July 26 – "We will give the Neapolitans a free and clean beach" . According to the Minister of the South, Barbara Lezzi at a press conference held at the Palazzo della Prefettura in Naples. Lezzi, who today visited the old Italsider district of Bagnoli, was arrested by activists of the committee Bagnoli Libera . "We are those who, in recent years, fought the center-right government and those who took turns on Bagnoli – said Edoardo Sorge, member of the civic committee Bagnoli Libera – .This new government, which should be headed by ministers in an office that also elected Roberto Fico, now president of the House, is the same political force that claimed to be against the commissioner, against article 33 and speculative urban plans. Now, we see the fact that Minister Lezzi, who should be at the head of the commissioner's office, comes to Bagnoli with the same procedures as we have seen in recent years, or meetings in closed rooms without questioning the territory ".

"We urge that Minister Lezzi, Minister Costa and all the government come to Bagnoli to listen to citizens and the territory not only the People's Congress because we want to have urgent clarity on the calendar, the financial coverage. ", concluded Committee representative Bagnoli Libera

" I'm waiting for you at the ministry in Rome at 3 pm, the office is awesome, I'm waiting for you, "Lezzi said after listening to the demonstrators. well aware of the importance of a path I come from Salento, "he added.

After the visit to Bagnoli, the southern minister returned to the Prefecture where he had a meeting this morning, among others with the mayor of Magistris. "Among the different things – explained de Magistris – I stressed the absolute necessity that in the finance law is found the cover for the recla complete description of Bagnoli . It's a strategic goal and I can not even imagine it as an abstract badumption that the government is not funding it. "

The meeting between the minister and the mayor lasted half an hour.In the course of the interview, other topics were discussed and Magistris will send" a detailed picture of all the files in course in the city of Naples "early next week." We threw the basis of a successful cooperation on all tables of competence of the minister, "concluded the first citizen. [19659007] I like it:

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