Clash 5S-Lega Prescription – Policy


The shock on prescription is revived. The rapporteur M5s in the House withdraws the amendment on the suspension after the first degree, then presents it again identical with the exception of the title. Dissent with the League remains. The mediation of Minister Bonafede is not enough, it will take a summit with Salvini and Di Maio to avoid a break. Conté must intervene: "Being in the government contract, we will keep the point," says Algiers.

Meanwhile, the government is putting its trust in the Senate security decree to avoid surprises in the vote after the split of the majority on the statute of limitations. During the day, a meeting of the groups Lega and M5. Among the 5Stelle still distinguished and dissident text. For Di Maio, however, "the reform must be approved in the anti-corruption bill, not extracted. We will find an agreement with the League, he says. Salvini warns: "a delicate issue that should not be resolved by amendment amendments". The final decision will not be made until tomorrow, but rumors about the willingness to place the issue of trust on the security decree prepare the government to have a double opinion on its workforce in the Senate. The first and only time Palazzo Madama Hall voted for the trust was held on June 6th. That day marked the birth of the yellow-green government: the majority could use 171 votes, 10 beyond the threshold: 58 leagues, 109 senators pentastellati, for a total of 167 votes, to which were added two old M5S Buccarella and Martelli, expelled. of the movement, and two elected from abroad of the Maie. Provided that the government maintains the will to ask the question of trust, the majority will probably overcome the obstacle: the patrol of 4 "orthodox" senators, which coincides in this case with those opposed to the decree, should in fact not participate in the vote. With this decision to stay outside the hemicycle, Matteo Mantero, Elena Fattori, Gregorio De Falco and Paola Nugnes will actually put emphasis on their disagreement with the disposition they fought against until they reached the end of the day. in the end with amendments. However, they will avoid sanctions, not relations with the government. The numbers will then fall to 167, however six senators above the minimum threshold of the majority of the clbad.


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