close on companies that move, removed the split payment


The decree of dignity promised by Luigi Di Maio could see the light today. This was announced by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labor and Economic Development, Luigi Di Maio. "This is only a first step forward to tackle job insecurity," said the minister, noting that the executive will begin acting on fixed-term contracts and temporary contracts. contracts with increasing guarantees. In general, he added, the goal is "to reduce labor costs by intervening on the tax wedge and it will be in the budget law".

In the latest version of the decree, there would be adjustments to the expiration of the specometer at February 28 (as of September 30) and stop to split the payment only for professionals.

Relocation . Revision of the relocation rule that will result in fines of 2-4 times the benefit received for businesses moving within five years of the date of conclusion of the facilitated initiative. A first version indicated a duration of 10 years. The hold remains both for those leaving Italy for an extra-European country and for those who transfer activity, even in part, to one of the countries of the Union. . In addition, the benefit will be reimbursed with interest up to 5 percentage points.

Business Aid. There is a partial or total withdrawal of state aid for companies that have removed jobs in the "five years after the end date of the initiative" and no longer in the following 10. Also confirmed the depreciation recovery mechanism the subsidized badets are sold for consideration or relocated. In fact, the measure applies to grants that provide for the badessment of the impact on employment for the purpose of awarding benefits and extends to measures that , without providing for the badessment of the above-mentioned employment impact, require an evaluation of the economic and industrial effects of facilitated projects, if the objectives related to these relapses are compromised

Bets. The announcement announced on the advertising of gambling games and bets against gambling arrives, without prejudice to existing contracts and deferred lotteries of lottery, such as the Italian lottery. The draft states that the stop also does not apply to "logos on the safe and responsible game of the Customs Agency and Monopolies". Confirm the sanctions, which will apply, at 5% of the value but with a minimum of 50 thousand euros.

In detail it is planned the termination of "any form of advertising, even indirect, related to gambling or bets with money gains" to the exclusion of national lotteries with the extraction of deferred winners. Since the entry into force of the provision, the prohibition includes the advertising of games and bets' anyway made and by any means, including sports, cultural or artistic, television or radio programs, press daily and periodic, publications in general, billboards and internet ".

Effective January 1, 2019, the prohibition also applies to sponsorships of events, activities, program events, products or services, and all other forms of promotional content communication, including visual and acoustic citation. trademarks, symbols, activities or products the advertising of which, according to this article, is prohibited.

"After months of drumming the promises of the two majority leaders, today deputy prime minister, on the abolition of the profitability meter, the spesometer and the splitting Indeed, the projects of Decree of dignity that circulate in the pre-Council of Ministers are so disconcerting that they can not be true – says Renato Brunetta, MP for Forza Italia -. The profitability meter is not deleted, only the need for a new technical implementing decree is foreseen, after consultation with ISTAT and consumer badociations, for evaluations relating to tax periods starting in 2016, without prejudice to the rest in force. The spesometer is not abolished, only the extension of the deadline for the third quarter of 2018 is scheduled for February 29, 2019. The split payment is only abolished for professionals, while that is not the case. it is left as is for all other companies. If this really were to come out of tonight's CDM, we would be faced with something simply inconceivable in the relationship between words and deeds. "

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