Closed Department for Primary Suspended Party


Interruption of Public Service
It is the badumption that work the Carabinieri del Nas who went to today at Ospedale del Mare, Naples, where the night of July 6 to 7 the Unit of Vascular Surgery remained "closed" because staff, between holidays and teams, had participated in the party of primary Francesco Pignatelli.

The Nas, sent by the Minister of Health, Giulia Grillo, who today will be in Naples to the hospital, have acquired the documentation in the investigation concerning the complaint of the regional counselor Green Francesco Emilio Borrelli, according to which the department "was closed with the dismissal of all patients, to allow doctors and nurses to participate in the party organized in a local in Pozzuoli by the new primary, to celebrate the new role"

For Pignatelli, the director general of the Naples 1 ASL center, Mario Forlenza, has confirmed the indefinite suspension and replacement to Mbadimo Tatafiore who will guide the department until the end of the investigations in progress. Nas, Forlenza has also launched an internal investigation to determine other responsibilities.It is Giulia Grillo, Minister of Health, who sent the Nas to Nosocomium of Naples-Est. , after to have learned what had happened.

"For a moment, I thought it was a false news – he commented – Then I discovered that this would have unfortunately been the case. I immediately sent the Nas and I also activates the ministry inspections through the Directorate General of Programming. We want to quickly get to the bottom of this story, as well as in all cases that take away rights and help citizens. It is only in this way that we will restore the prestige it deserves to the National Health Service and we will be able to defend it against those who undermine its credibility. "

The Nas" have asked – Forlenza says – to also have all the material that will be collected by "internal investigation already begun".

No provision, for the moment, for the rest of the neighborhood team. "If their responsibilities are verified, guarantees will also be taken for them". The regional councilor of the Greens who denounced the incident, Francesco Emilio Borrelli, asked those who were the most severe. In the morning, as you know, he met the medical director of the Mare Hospital, Giuseppe Russo and the same Forlenza. To both, Borrelli asked for "the maximum of inflexibility". And even the president of the Naples College of Doctors, Silvestro Scotti, asked to have details about the suspension and announced his intention to summon Pignatelli "so that he could offer us his vision of things and finally we will make the necessary decisions ".

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