Coast Guard vessel takes 67 migrants from Vos Thalassa, "crew was in danger of death"


Last night, he intervened in the Libyan search and rescue waters to recover about sixty migrants. But the ship Vos Thalbada, an Italian private ship that manages the safety of a Total oil rig, was not allowed to approach Italian ports by decision of the Ministry of the Interior, thus opening a new critical front. non-governmental organizations operating in the Mediterranean. Subsequently, the rescued persons were transferred to the Diciotti, a Coast Guard ship, but the Viminal gave no indication of the port of arrival of the ship, said Minister of Infrastructure Toninelli "who arrive within 10-15 hours ".

"We are satisfied with the progress made, pbading the line of firmness that is not only that of Salvini, but the common of all the government.This is the line that I will take in Innsbruck ". That's what Matteo Salvini said about the operational summit that was held today at Palazzo Chigi between Prime Minister Conte and Minister Toninelli, to whom the leader Lega Did not take part in the previous engagements. Salvini will see Count Tomorrow, at a meeting at which the prime minister will attempt to find a common line on the theme of migrants after the clash that took place today. between the owner of the Viminale and the Infrastructure. In fact, Toninelli's decision to authorize the transfer of the 67 migrants from the ship Vos Thalbada to that of the Coast Guard, eighteen, did not sum up Toninelli's decision to authorize , for reasons of public order.

Salvini criticism

The operation has raised criticism of Interior Minister Salvini. This is because the Your Thalbada left the migrants to an Italian Coast Guard ship, the Diciotti, "even though it was further away from the Libyans who were coming into action," Viminale said. ANSA. And the position of the Minister of the Interior, unlike the landing in Italy, "does not change". Towards the Italian time, the Viminale reports that the transhipment on eighteen of the migrants rescued by Vos Thalbada was authorized by the general command of the port authorities, adding that the Viminale does not give indications on the port of arrival of the ship. UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, expresses its "concern" about the fate of migrants and calls for "urgently identify a port of landing" as the priority "is to save lives ".

Toninelli: The Italian crew was in danger of death

"Proud of the Italian Coast Guard, Diciotti embarked with a ship 60 migrants who put in danger the life of the Italian cruiser Vos Thalbada. Now, with investigations to punish troublemakers, "said Infrastructure Minister Danilo Toninelli on Twitter Meanwhile, the Coast Guard, confirming Toninelli's version, said that she had intervened because the Commander of Your Thalbada had reported a situation of "serious danger" for the crew, composed of Italians threatened by some rescued migrants ". arrival in the area of ​​a Libyan patrol boat. The ship's staff "has already taken the first steps to recognize migrants and identify those responsible for the troubles on board" Vos Thalbada, "to ensure the competent Italian judicial authority".

The position of Viminale

Salvini is critical of the operation. "We are arguing – he says – if someone did something that goes against the law as soon as he lands in Italy, he ends up in jail and not in a center of 39; home. " The Interior Minister explained that the "political problem" posed by Interior Minister Matteo Salvini to Prime Minister Conte, Deputy Prime Minister Di Maio and Minister Toninelli on the history migrants rescued by Vos Thalbada and transferred to the ship Eighteen this "can not replace the Libyan, especially if the African colleagues have already entered into action".

Thursday, the summit of the ministers of the Interior

The file of the migration continues to be maintained in Europe as well as the preparations for the work of the summit of the Ministers of the Interior envisaged Thursday in Innsbruck . Vienna has announced an updated document to guide the work in which it "softens" concepts and language, while Brussels says it is ready to deal with Italy on the strategic mandate of the EunavForMed Sophia mission, which still provides that all the migrants rescued from the ships they join, they are made to disembark in Italy. Meanwhile, the European Commission is already working with EU countries potentially affected by the opening of controlled centers, and announces a proposal before the summer holidays.

In Rome, the case is still pending with the landing in Messina of 106 migrants rescued by the Irish patrol Samuel Beckett, engaged in the European mission commanded by Admiral Enrico Credendino. With Matteo Salvini on the fact that "ships of international missions should not all arrive in Italy" even as Foreign Minister Enzo Moavero rebadures "we do not get away from international commitments, we are fully at home. inside ".

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