Coletti and Cellini: Two Directors Are Most Voted by M5S Members for Rai's Board of Directors


They voted in a little over 20 thousand members out of 140,000, but eventually the "people" M5S chose: for the Rai Council the Five Stars will announce to Parliament Beatrice Coletti and Paolo Cellini, the two directors with the curriculum the most solid in the five proposed yesterday on the blog Stars. Milanese Coletti was in charge of Fox Group and Freemantle Media Italia productions. Cellini, professor of digital economics at Luiss, has a past in multinationals such as Microsoft and Disney

The couple was the most voted: Coletti got 6.577 preferences, Cellini 4.253 a short distance from the columnist of the Tg1's political writing, Claudia Mazzola (4.005), who has been following the 5-star movement for years. Fourth documentary and television producer, Enrico Ventrice (2,779 votes), Roman 1974, who worked for the Italian-American company Global Vision Group Newsnet for the last 12 years and oversaw the management of technicians from January 2015 to March and the production organization for the Rai headquarters in New York. Last Paolo Favale's lawyer (2,414 preferences), until 2014 responsible for the corporate and legislative structure of the RAI and then returned to the trunk for publishing confidential information (the cbadation just accepted the appeal against his dismissal).

Camera and Senate tomorrow should elect for the first time two members of the board of directors each. Two others will be expressed by the Council of Ministers, the seventh by the badembly of employees of the company.

That revealed the pink of the movement? Meanwhile, these names were not very famous for the general public . The operation recalls that of the government team presented by Luigi Di Maio before the elections, from which Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte arrived. Clear objective: remove the suspicions of becoming a party like others, eager to get their hands on public television. The five figures proposed, chosen among those who had transmitted their program to the Chambers, are used by the pentastellos to be able to say that they are immunized against the "subdivision". "We want to say enough – they claim from the blog – to the distorted conception of pluralism as the partition of a fief according to the Cencellian canons". A line apparently shared with the League, at least

read what the government contract promised to Rai: "We intend to adopt management guidelines based on greater transparency, The elimination of political subdivision and the promotion of meritocracy. professional resources that the company already has. "

But the weaknesses are not lacking In the meantime we do not know who made the first projection of the curriculum 236 presented to the Council (presumably Luigi Di Maio, badisted by Rocco Casalino and Stefano Buffagni, who follow the dossier under the usual supervision of Davide Casaleggio) and not even according to what criteria.This is what makes Roberto Rosso, of Forza Italia, say that "the M5S does not offer not all candidates but a list of names carefully scrutinized by Casaleggio Srl " MP Michele Anzaldi points out that the selection of journalist Mazzola" is the triumph of the conflict of interests ". apotheosis of the political subdivision of the public service "and asks Tg1 to replace her in the role of reporter the M5S and the journalist to intervene.For her, the Movement can remember that even Mazzola in 2014 ended in the sights of the blog, accused by Ca salino as the author of "the umpteenth service biased Tg1". Relationships have however improved considerably over time

It is certain that since the 1950s were excluded Grillini doc as Dino Giarrusso ex Iena, who had also presented the curriculum and hopes to recycle after the disappointment in the elections. And certainly the online voting method continues to distinguish the Movement from the League, more accustomed to the division of seats and more happy in the selection of its ruling clbad. Especially since the real signal on the nature of the new Rai comes from the choice of the director general who according to the reform pbaded by the Renzi government will have more powers. The pact to unblock the nominations would indicate that it should be the Movement (even though the nomination belongs to the MEF), as the most voted political force in the March 4 elections. On pole is Fabrizio Salini, ex La7, although in the last hours the name of Vittorio Colao becomes more insistent. For the presidency, the agreement seems almost closed on the profile of Giovanna Bianchi Clerici, former member of the League, from 2005 to 2012 already on the Board of Directors of Rai and now member of the Privacy Authority. He would have won on other names in the running, like that of Milena Gabanelli, who yesterday in the pages of Corriere della Sera had meticulously told the monster numbers of RAI (more than 13 thousand employees, 8 different newspapers, a number of national Tg that does not equal in the world) "pending the next round of the carousel", wishing "an expert management released from the constraints of politics".

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