Collective repatriation, more prisons and forced detention for illegal immigrants. Here is the map of Seehofer migrants


Here is the "secret" plan of Horst Seehofer: the Masterplan Migration. This is the document that the German media is publishing right now, while Germany is on the brink of the most serious government crisis of the Merkel era after the clash between the minister of Interior and Chancellor on migrants. It is an internal policy document – divided into 63 points by 22 pages – very strong in the fight against irregular immigration within the borders of Germany. Only one page is devoted to the theme of integration of refugees; on the contrary, a large part of the plan aims for a very strong hold on illegal immigration, through a forced collective redeployment and more flexible police actions on the border of the entire German territory. The plan presented by Seehofer on Sunday at the summit of his party – the CSU which, together with the CDU, composes the Union in support of the Chancellor – would be presented as president of the Bavarian party and not as Minister of the Interior, according to a tweet from the department that denied the official status of the plan. The master plan could therefore be modified in these hours of feverish negotiations between the CDU and the CSU

Here is the plan summarized in a few points. First and foremost, Seehofer is planning new agreements with the countries of origin of asylum seekers to make the repatriation of those who do not benefit from refugee status more effective. The master plan then provides for the construction of hot spots along the routes taken by migrants to arrive in North Africa, starting with the Sahel region in Central Africa, "safe centers" under the supervision of the EU. and the United Nations. migrants. One point is talking about some sort of "word of mouth" to be stepped up on African territory as information for those who, like economic migrants, intend to begin their journey to the country. 39; Europe. The meaning, in simple terms, is: there are no opportunities for irregular immigrants, so do not leave.

Frontex will then have to develop, according to the Seehofer master plan, in a European border police, by its own means. Then there is the whole, most delicate and central part of the European Council last week, of cooperation at European level in the reception of migrants. For the Minister of the Interior, a common and favorable asylum system is needed in all member countries, but it also puts emphasis on "responsibilities" and a "fair distribution of burden between all in accordance with the Dublin Regulation ". This is a direct reminder to the first landing countries, because according to Dublin, the country of first registration is responsible for the asylum procedure and there weighs the charges of reception and of migrant management. Italy, Greece and Spain are not mentioned but the link is clear. Not only that: because the Seehofer plan provides that if the measures provided for by the Dublin Regulation are not effective, it will have to be done by "internal measures" to do them.

We come to disagreement between the Minister and the Chancellor: Seehofer wants to reinforce the internal border controls of the Schengen area, "temporarily and to the extent necessary," says the document. Migrants who do not have documents must be "repatriated", but in the future "we have the intention to reject even those who have already applied for asylum in another Member State from the EU ".

And again: the master plan provides for an "action" police force on all land borders of Germany "and" temporary cross-border traffic controls by the federal police. "And a reduction in benefits for plaintiffs of asylum, less money and more badets in nature, as a deterrent.

Finally, the Seehofer plan aims to increase the number of places in childcare facilities. migrants, allowing to detain "delinquents" "The rules of immigration even in structures other than those of the reception. Keeping asylum seekers in centers until the asylum application will not be processed is a very controversial point and several sources of German police have pointed out that extensive proceedings that can only be implemented and the possibility of creating eviction centers at airports to facilitate "collective repatriation".

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