Collemaggio, the fire alarm is triggered. But the cloud is … incense


Minutes of apprehension, this afternoon, of a false alarm in the Basilica of Collemaggio all & # 39; Aquila where Giuseppe Petrocchi, archbishop of the capital for five years, was preparing to celebrate his first mbad as a cardinal. Petrocchi, who received the purple of Pope Francis in the Consistory of June 28, had recently entered the basilica when, at 6:10 pm, the fire alarm was triggered, inviting those present to leave the building. For about four minutes, the "attentio" vocal note, in Italian and English, continued to resonate in the sacred place, causing a bit of confusion, especially among the last tokens. It all ended when archbishop Emeritus, Giuseppe Molinari, climbed on the altar and rebadured the present, praising the merits and benefits of the technology, but pointing out that the alarm was probably triggered because of a cloud of incense.


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