"Come to us", the Viminale cuts the stain


Rome – Alt. Change of rhythm. Thus, a few days after the entry into force of the Salvini Directive on the rationalization of expenditure on migration policies, which redefines the current model of reception with a view to optimizing services and controlling the costs, the first formal act arrives. The owner of the Viminale has signed the revocation on a € 3 million expenditure commitment related to the call for tender for a communication campaign aimed at migrants and badociations that deal with the service sector offered to asylum seekers and facilities in reception received from Italy and from Europe. A project, set up last October and not yet allocated, whose common denominator was to encourage the arrival of foreigners in Italy. And in those hours, however, Matteo Salvini, made yet another judgment: the minister's document as the first formal act is not by chance called "determination of the revocation of the offer 1". The reason? "The need to proceed with a process of reorganization and reallocation of the resources of the Asylum and Immigration Fund (Fami) to allocate to communication initiatives, also through the creation of economies of scale, reports the note – given by more efficient use of internal resources or by using individual professionals with specific qualifications. "And already, Salvini does not close the communication or information that must be disclosed to immigrants, but rather believes that they should be sent to the field in a more appropriate manner. that is, there will certainly be other revocation measures at least on unallocated or badigned private treaty actions.

Music has changed, so to speak, and this represents the first turning point between left-wing policies, reception on the territory, and those of the Northern League Minister, and we must not underestimate the number of tools put in place for the communication and dissemination of news. in the last two years: paper materials between leaflets and brochures addressed directly to foreigners, volumes on receipt values, glossy magazines and mimeographed files, and still records with many categories to count and report migrant services. Ants: only for this type of service have been spent more than 20 million. Another million pbades support services to so – called territorial centers for immigration and even before support: all the modest figure of another 2 million. Not to mention the communication campaign for the repatriation of immigrants at the expense of the Italian state which, in addition to highlighting a flop resounding in the first instance, was also encouraged in January by the government of Gentiloni with another million abundant.

we must also add office management costs with a lot of software development (ie data collection) for 4 million additional donations over the past two years to Cittalia, the foundation of ANci, the Italian national badociation. Of course, at the moment, between the big expenses (about 27 million euros plus VAT) and the low yield of only 3 million, there is an absolute disparity in profits. But this is only the first step. The real savings will be those resulting from the revision of the so-called second reception services, which will be granted only to protection holders and refugees. And no more raining at all asylum seekers.

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