Commerce, summer sales departing: each family will spend on average 230 euros – Economy and Finance


(Teleborsa) – It's time for the summer sales: open the dance today will be Sicily, tomorrow will be the time of Basilicata while in all other regions will begin on Saturday, July 7 . According to the estimates of the Research Department of Confcommercio, each family will spend on average for the purchase of clothing and footwear items on sale just under 230 euros for a total value of 39%. about 3.5 billion euros . The president of Federazione Moda Italia and vice-president of Confcommercio, Renato Borghi, comments: "After a season spring / summer not really exciting from the point of view of the consumption of clothing, shoes, leather goods, accessories and sporting goods awaiting these summer sales, which represent a test bench for the retail of multibrand fashion Sales, also taking into account sales forecasts close to those of the group. Last year, remain attractive to consumers despite a global competitive environment or rather a "digital dictatorship," capable of conditioning everything from the production chain to the way people consume and relate.We have requested the introduction of the web tax because the web giants must be in the same market with the same rules and with the same taxes as our activities, in this respect, n We hope the EU will look at the US Supreme Court which has given the go-ahead to taxes on online sales. "

BUT FOR CODACONS WILL BE A FLOP – Sales at the end of the season will give a flop, with sales that will come back to record negative numbers. To say that is the Codacons, who have done the usual monitoring of the propensity for consumption during the reductions at the end of the season.

FEES OF 64 EUROS IN THE HEAD, AT THE FALL OF 5% – According to the forecasts of badociation, the purchases during all the period of the sales will fall in Italy on average of -5% compared with 2017, with a reduction in the turnover that will be more pronounced in the southern Italian cities, where they will enroll reached a maximum of – 15 % . The average recipe will be about 64 euros per capita.

THE PUSH OF THE FOREIGN – All companies will not be affected by this crisis: the outlets and the fashion boutiques of the big cities will be full of presences especially in the first days of sale, mainly because of the presence of foreign tourists, while small shops, suburbs and shopping centers will suffer.

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