Accused of the death of the girlfriend committed motorcyclist defends itself: I did not want to kill anyone

  The killer of the turn of Condove chooses the abbreviated rite, verdict in autumn
Maurizio De Giulio

He chose the abridged rite Maurizio de Giulio, the Nichelino actress accused of the murder of Elisa Ferrero and the injured boyfriend of the young, Matteo Penna. Almost a year has pbaded since, on July 9, De Giulio invested with his Ford Transit the two fiancés at Gravio Roundabout in Condove. During all these months, he always remained in prison, in Vallette. Prosecutor Paola Stupino had asked De Giulio the indictment but at the same time had requested the transfer of the trial to Milan because of incompatibility. In fact, Elisa Ferrero was a relative of an ordinary prosecutor substitute and, for this reason, the Turin court could not have examined the case.

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This morning the trial was opened before gup Anna Calavi and De Giulio's lawyers, Vittorio Nizza and Marco Moda, request the shortened procedure to be discussed on 3 October. The accused spoke for more than three hours, tracing the story: "I did not want to kill anyone, I braked but I could not avoid the bike," said L & R. Man as he has always supported during all these months. For the Turin prosecutor who asked for the charge of De Giulio, it was only a "modest slowdown" which slightly affected the speed of the van launched at 137 kilometers per hour in a stretch. where the limit is 40 kilometers per hour. "I am sorry for everything", he reiterated this morning in the hearing room De Giulio who wrote in recent months a letter to the family of Elisa Ferrero, the young pediatrician of Moncalieri to whom the University has dedicated a scholarship. His fiance, Matteo Penna, had been in the hospital for almost two months after the accident. He had discovered that Elisa had died only when he had woken up from a coma. De Giulio is accused of willful homicide and very serious injuries.