Confessed after 31 years, he was wrong to shoot – Ultima Ora


(ANSA) – TURIN, NOVEMBER 27 – He is guilty after 31 years,
the murder of Roberto Rizzi, killed for a personal exchange
May 20, 1987 in Turin, in the bar I am muschettieri di via
Pollenzo. Former justice collaborator Vincenzo Pavia, attached
to the Belfiore family, a family name known in the circles of the
"Ndrangheta, confessed the crime to the police. The crime
he was also commissioned by Saverio Saffiotti
linked to Belfiore, and the victim had to be Francesco Di
Gennaro, called "the red," but Pavie is mistaken.

Gennaro was later killed in the same bar on August 24th.
1988, by a killer of the group Belfiore. Also Saffiotti is
was badbadinated on June 25, 1992 under the orders of the Savior
Belfiore, at the top of the family – according to the investigators –
after the imprisonment of his brother Domenico, sentenced
life imprisonment for the murder of the prosecutor Caccia, in Turin
in 1983. Mobile team surveys continue
establish links with other illegal murders of
these years.



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