Conrad hypermarket in Campobasso, collective redundancy procedures were started


About a quarter of the employees of Conad, the hypermarket located inside the mall "Il Centro del Molise" in Campobbado, risk his work. Indeed, on July 5, the company began the procedures of collective dismissal. According to the communication sent to unions, the province and the labor inspectorate, out of 119 workers will have to return home. On the basis of the provision, the economic crisis and the significant decline in sales as well as the high costs of structure and operation
A decision that plunged workers into a panic that, with the letter of Molisedea, the cooperative that manages the staff in the hypermarket, they saw in a moment of hard work and sacrifices for themselves and their families disappear.
The same crisis situation had already led the company in 2013 to resort to social safety nets and to
the company and the unions therefore decided to handle the dismissal of staff with the Application of a 24-month solidarity contract – subsequently extended by the company with the unions for an additional 24 months – expiring on March 31 of last year
In February 2017, when the company announced the beginning of a collective dismissal procedure, it was applied again a defensive solidarity contract, this time for 18 months, expiring on September 30, 2018.
Meanwhile, the company has attempted to improve its economic objectives through restructuring and innovation actions at the point of sale. on staff training through courses and initiatives to improve the quality of service offered. But these attempts did not yield the desired results. The growing and mbadive competition on the territory and the gap between costs and revenues have done the rest.
In detail, the company has recorded a sharp decline in turnover over the past 5 years (about 26%). Indeed, in 2012, the turnover amounted to 34,369.00 euros, in 2017 it was 25,449.00 euros. Even the trend recorded during the first months of 2018 does not give hope for better results.
The surplus of personnel concerns the 35 units of the sales area. As a result, workers in the management structure and the drugstore are excluded.
For society, this represents the only viable path. It remains to be seen which workers will return home and with what criteria they will be chosen.

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