Consip, the company does not pay, stop at the food vouchers here!


Stop at the restaurant of Qui! Qui! Tickets, widespread among public employees. Consip has decided to terminate the agreement in Piedmont, Liguria, Valle d'Aosta, Lombardy and Lazio, "for repeated, serious and significant non-performance of contractual obligations".
Many catering companies affiliated with Qui! Consip has indeed reported the non-payment by the company – also confirmed by the controls related thereto – bills relating to vouchers of the public administration.
Group tickets are no longer removed in Genoa and Liguria from bars, cafeterias and supermarkets for a long time and some creditors have already turned to the court.
The groups of the Municipality and the Democratic Party Region expressed "a strong concern for the future of the workers employed in the company. The Who! Unfortunately, there are various difficulties and the situation has become more critical in a very short time. We have therefore requested the activation of an institutional table involving the Region, the Municipality, the representatives of the company and the workers and in the coming days, as Consortium Groups PD, we will attract attention on this issue. Competent Council Commissions. "

The" Buoni Pasto 7 "agreement – subdivided into 7 lots and badigned to 4 economic operators – is one of the required statutory conventions for all public administrations which must use the Consip or the regional reference factories, explains the subsidiary of the Treasury in a note
Since January 2018, many reports of ill-treatment were sent to Consip by the user administrations because of the non-usability of the vouchers issued by the group Who.
Many companies operate the restaurant network in agreement with the group, as stated in the press release, also reported that the company had not paid the bills related to food vouchers spent by public employees.
Following these reports, Consip conducted systematic inspections by an independent body. affiliated stores (profitability control) and respect for egni badumed at the time of the offer on the maximum percentage of commission and terms of payment to merchants (verification of reimbursement to traders). Both activities "failed for the supplier, – announces Consip – highlighting a number of non-compliances far exceeding the maximum allowed limit".
For this and despite a specific warning to the company, Consip "we saw forced to proceed to the resolution of the agreement" good meal plans and 7 "regarding Lot 1 (Piedmont, Liguria , Valle d'Aosta, Lombardy) and lot 3 (Lazio), stipulated with Qui! Group SpA – for repeated, serious and significant breach of contractual obligations. "
In order to meet the needs of the public administrations concerned, the Consip has prepared an extraordinary action plan to make available as soon as possible the instruments for acquiring a new reserve of food vouchers.

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