Consume, the import of Canadian wheat for pasta was canceled


Basically, durum wheat imports from Canada in the first quarter of 2018, following the 29% drop in 2017. This is what emerges from a Coldiretti badysis based on the data ISTAT, which shows that the North American country, after many years of total market hegemony, has radically lost the leading role of the wheat exporting countries in Italy. These are the effects of the general repositioning of the pasta industry that has reduced reliance on Canada, up to now the leading supplier of Italian durum wheat for a quantity that in rose to 720 million kilograms against 4.3 billion kilos produced in Italy, and wanted to invest in wheat Made in Italy

"We must not fall into easy exploitation just during the threshing period, indeed we need to make the most of the supply chain contract instrument wheat pasta, now supported by the mandatory wheat origin labeling for pasta. Finally, it is possible to know if in the pasta you buy there is or less Canadian wheat pre-harvested with the herbicide glyphosate, according to the methods prohibited in Italy, as reported several times Coldiretti ", underlines the president of Coldiretti Puglia, Gianni Cantele.
The collapse of imports in fact, it is also due to the "war of wheat" of Coldiretti which led to the labeling of the obligatory origin which allows to know the origin of the wheat used in the pasta and puts an end to the deception of the imported products, for the nationals, in case one packet of pasta was made with foreign wheat, without this being indicated on the label.
"Puglia, which is the largest Italian producer of durum wheat, with 343,300 hectares under cultivation and 9,430,000 quintals produced, until last year it was paradoxically the region that cared most, so to represent a quarter of the total value of grain receipts, with inevitable price speculations that only hurt the Apulian farmers .. Italy, European leader in transparency and quality, must play a pioneering role in EU food policies, starting with an in-depth review of the rules of the Customs Code in the agri-food sector which, paradoxically, calls the Italian flour of ground wheat in Italy ", adds the director of Coldiretti Puglia , Angelo Corsetti

The manufacture of pasta made from 100% Italian wheat can be demonstrated by the rapid proliferation of brands that guarantee the Italian origin of wheat used for 100 The path began in the early years of the crisis – reminds Coldiretti – at the initiative of the Fdai project (signed by Italian farmers) which has been extended to many brands of major retailers and factories of well known Italian pasta.
Coldiretti Apulia still requires 100% of the controls on imported wheat and the immediate activation of the national CUN cola cereals with a logistic base in Foggia
In this context, the largest organic wheat agreement ever concluded in the world was signed in Italy for the quantities and areas involved between Coldiretti, Italian Agricultural Consortium, Fdai (Signed by Italian farmers) and the Casillo Group, the largest Italian durum trade company, which provides 300 million kilograms of organic durum wheat for pasta and 300 million kilograms of soft wheat per year for breadmaking. The agreement – concludes Coldiretti – has a duration of three years with the possibility of an extension for two others, for a total of 5 years.

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