"Containment of Expenses and Reorganization of the Accounts of the Ars"


"Containment of Expenses and Rearrangement of the Accounts of the Ars"

of Giovanna Naccari

Yesterday the Ceremony of the Fan with the President of the Assembly, Gianfranco Micciché. Traced an initial badessment of the eight months of parliamentary activity

Tags: Ceremony of the fan, Gianfranco Miccichè

PALERMO – Few laws, but a great commitment to reduce expenses. Eight months after the beginning of the legislature, the president of Ars Gianfranco Micciché drafted a report on the work of the Sicilian regional badembly, illustrating the balance of the traditional ceremony of the fans, the wishes of Summer to the parliamentary press.

The first occupant of the Palazzo Reale is not at the first experience, having been on the highest seat of the Ercole Sala in 2006. And yesterday was also the opportunity to get remember an anecdote from the past.

Giovanni Ciancimino, president of the parliamentary press, described this first part of the year as "not exciting, with only 13 approved and non-coherent bills" and from this judgment Miccichè left to say what has been done so far. [19659005]

"The beginning – he said – was not as exciting as it was in seventy years.The figure of approved laws is low, but this year we are more involved in other operations aimed at legislative activity and the reduction of expenses.In the commissions, however, there are more than fifty pieces of private law relating to various sectors and on which we work.We also adopted the hour of questions, which allowed us to discuss issues, motions and more.On two hundred acts, the Assembly approved fifty ".

The hot topic remains the reduction in spending: "This year – Miccichè added – we have done a demanding job for the reorganization of the Ars accounts.We have obtained employee salary reductions and thank them, because this operation will generate savings of 600 thousand euros this year and 800 thousand euros next year. "

This article, as emphasized Micciché again, is completed by" the rationalization of external collaborators, said "portaborse", which leads to a reduction of 1 million 500 thousand euros a year and will save 7 million

"Our competence – he said – will now be how to best spend the savings. We have created an anti-poverty fund of 100,000 euros per year with reductions in the salaries of managers and we will have one with MPs. We have not had any requests for help, except that of Biagio Conte that we will find. These resources will be distributed on the basis of specific projects and reports. "

Among the upcoming commitments, Miccichè announced a draft law on stray dogs and a meeting with the Regulatory Commission to simplify the legislative process.Finally, in September, the monumental door of Ars will open : "In the previous presidency – he said – I had prepared the opening for a few days because of work, but on September 4 the door will be reopened definitively in the honor of Santa Rosalia who is related to the history of the palace. "

The ceremony of the fan also represented an opportunity to express a judgment on the secret ballot, defined by the president of the Ars" the father of cheating ", because with this tool "do not follow the directions of politics and the citizen I can not verify the behavior of the deputy. "

Article published on Aug. 1, 2018 – © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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