continue the search for two 17-year-old boys who disappeared in the Po


<img width = "696" height = "522" clbad = "entry-thumb td-modal-image" src = " Ragazzi-annegati-nel-po-696×522.jpg "srcset ="×522.jpg 696w, https: //×225.jpg 300w, /Ragazzi-annegati-nel-po-768×576.jpg 768w,×60.jpg 80w, https: / /×198.jpg 265w, Ragazzi-annegati-nel-po-560×420.jpg 560w, 960w "sizes =" (max- width: 696px) 100vw, 696px "alt =" Coltaro continues the research of the two 17-year-old boys who were swallowed yesterday by the waters of the Po. That it must have been a carefree afternoon in the company turned out to be a real drama and the bodies, swallowed by the current, have not yet been found by the divers. The agony thus seems endless, but the hopes that they have survived are really very little The umpteenth tragedy of summer that is consumed on the banks of the Po and that makes us think about the dangers of seemingly totally harmless behaviors

History and First Aid

All happened yesterday: a group of friends (at least 8 people according to official sources) made an appointment at the beach of Coltaro, in the province of Parma to spend a relaxing Sunday. org badyzed with a grill, the peers would have spent the day in peace until the heat of summer pushes them to cool off in the Po.

In the middle of the afternoon, friends dived but something went wrong. among them, who suddenly found themselves fighting with the impetuous force of the current. Moretall Sesk a student from Senegal, would suddenly feel bad and that is why his friend Zakaria Sabbar would come back to help him. He had already reached the shore, when he realized that his friend was in trouble, he would have gone to him.

This is how both were submerged by the power of water and would have disappeared under the eyes of friends who were now out of the river. They were immediately terrified and immediately called for help, but it was probably already too late.

Carabinieri and firefighters intervened in the area, but the divers arrived from Bologna. The search continued throughout the afternoon and until late in the evening, they continued the same morning but nothing has yet been found.

The two boys are probably drowned in the river but hopes remain alive for family members and friends because the bodies have not been found yet. These, warning the rescue, could be pushed hundreds of kilometers from the incident area: the current was very strong and it is unlikely that the two boys managed to survive.

For the moment, however, the bodies are still scattered in the waters of the Po, a river that for the umpteenth time swallows and does not return

We face yet another summer tragedy, which sees two 17-year-olds as protagonists and inevitably leads us to a reflection. What must have been a quiet afternoon of fun and carelessness has turned into a nightmare because water never forgives. So venturing into the Po can be very risky and we hope that this tragedy will serve as a warning to other young people and to others.

Unfortunately, we must greet two other boys, swallowed by the waters of a river that has already marked different. If the story of Cristopher Delbono was well resolved, it seems to have significantly worse results.

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