convened a press conference for an important announcement


  Cave rescue operations in Thailand

These are decisive hours for the rescue mission in the Thai cave of Tham Luang, where the 12 boys and their coach are trapped. Oxygen in the air has dropped to 15%, well below the 21% usually present: another decisive concern that adds to the risk of monsoon rains that could occur at any time.

The Thai authorities made it clear that there is now a "limited" period to save the boys. "We can not wait any longer because the circumstances have changed.In the beginning, we thought the boys could stay in the cave for a while, but the circumstances have changed, and now we have a limited time." The race against time began

14:50 – press conference called

A press conference – the second of the day – was convened by the Thai Ministry of the Interior. An important announcement is expected

13.08 hours – Millions of gallons of water pumped

Thirteen million liters of water were pumped out of the caves in a week to make the pbadage of relief work viable, but given the monsoon rains that are about to arrive, the hypothesis of digging a vertical tunnel that gives access to the cave from the top becomes more and more likely, even if the search from an appropriate site was suspended and will resume tomorrow

"Bird nest collectors from southern Thailand say that they will look for other air holes on Sat, hoping to find an open well that leads to the area where the 12 schoolchildren and their trainer are trapped #ThamLuang #ThamLuangRescue

– Pichayada P. ( @PichayadaCNA) July 6, 2018

12:31 pm – tunnel hunting [19659005Lesquipesdesecourstamisentlefrontc'estau-dessusdelagrotteàlarecherched'a"chimney":untunnelverticalquipourraitconduiredelasurfaceàlacavitédanslaquellelesgarçonssontprisaupiègeUnedecescheminéesde200mètresdeprofondeur(larochefait800mètresd'thickness)aétéexploréeparlesspéléologuesavantdeserévélerêtreuneimpbadeUnspéléologuephilippinquivitenThaïlandedepuis17ansChristofferJohnAquinosurnommé"Cedjie"aparcouru800kilomètresdeBankokpourrejoindreleséquipes"ILN'yapasdechemins:ilfautgrimpersurdesrochersglissantsetportersonéquipement:cen'estpasunputaindesuicide"didildit[19659004] 11:49 – The men of Elon Musk come into action

Elon Mush, the founder of SpaceX, one of the most innovative companies in the world, sends his engineers to Thailand in search technical solutions to extract the boys, stranded Saturday, June 23, in the cave of Tham Luang. This has been announced by the same billionaire and visionary on Twitter: his technicians will try to understand if they can be "useful" to the Bangkok government. "There are probably a lot of complexities that can be better understood if you are in person," he said.

SpaceX & Boring Co engineers went to Thailand to see if we could be useful to the government. There are probably many complexities difficult to appreciate without being there in person.

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 6, 2018

A shot and an answer were sparked on possible solutions between Musk and Thai entrepreneur James Yenbamroong, founder of the space launch company MuSpace.

This image is simple. The critical area of ​​70 cm is in the center. Thais: several dives and two rest areas. You probably need several inserts if you go with a funnel solution

– James Yenbamroong (@JamesWorldSpace) July 6, 2018

6:50 – death of a hero

Just because of the lack of oxygen, one of the rescuers died returning to the base from where they come from boys. This was announced by the commander of the Thai Navy's special teams, Arpakorn Yookongkaew.

The victim, Samarn Poonan, was a former member of the special squads of the Thai Navy and worked as a volunteer. "Every attempt to save his life was in vain," said the commander of the Thai navy. The incident does not change the mission: "We will continue until we have completed it".

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