Copyright, the European Parliament votes against the reform: the text is postponed to September


The plenary of the European Parliament in Strasbourg voted against the beginning of the negotiations between the Parliament the Council and the European Commission on the proposal for a directive on the reform of the law of 39; author. The text will come back for consideration and vote by the next plenary session of the EP in September. The European Parliament split in two to vote on the proposal for a directive for the reform of copyright. Vote for 278 MEPs while no 318 and 31 abstained. "Let's end the lobby slogans now and start looking for solutions," said Andrus Ansip (19459004), vice president of the European Commission's Digital Single Market on Twitter. "We must not accept any compromises that compromise freedom of expression or links" but at the same time, he stressed, "we must not agree to leave artists and quality media unprotected". In this regard, the Parliament split up. The only pacts on the "no" were representatives of the 5-star Movement: "Today is an important day," said Deputy Prime Minister M5s Luigi Di Maio "the tangible sign that something finally changes level of the European Parliament.Nobody should afford to silence the network and destroy the incredible potential that it offers in terms of freedom of expression and economic development ". The leader of the Carroccio also exults Matteo Salvini : "Bavaglio net and Facebook rejected now in Strasbourg thanks to the Lega no: they will not stop us."

Great success: Your protests have worked! The European Parliament has the law on copyright in the drawing board. All MPs will vote #uploadfilters and #linktax from September 10th to 13th. Now let's keep the pressure to make sure we #SaveYourInternet !

– Julia Reda (@Senficon) July 5, 2018

"The decision of the Juri commission – announced the Deputy Speaker of the House Pavel Telicka in the House in Strasbourg – was rejected, therefore, the Commission can not start the negotiations.The report of the commission will be put on the agenda of the next plenary session ", in September . The plenary therefore rejected the negotiating mandate proposed by the committee Giuridica (Juri in community jargon) on 20 June. As a result, Parliament's position will be discussed, amended and voted at the next plenary session on 10 and 14 September, also in Strasbourg. After the vote, the rapporteur Axel Voss (Germany, EPP) was sorry for the fact that "the majority of deputies did not support the position that we and the Legal Committee have prepared. But that's part of the democratic process. We will return to this topic in September with a new evaluation to try to address the concerns of citizens, while updating the copyright rules for the modern digital environment. "

#EP will write again his opinion on #copyright Let us now stop the slogans of the lobby and start looking for solutions, my point of view:
] 1) We should not accept compromises that endanger #freedomofexpression or hyperlink
2) We should not accept

– Andrus Ansip (@Ansip_EU) July 5, 2018

The Regulation of the European Parliament provides that if at least 10% of the deputies object to the In starting negotiations with the Council on the basis of the text voted in committee, there will be a vote in plenary On Tuesday at midnight, the number of deputies required presented their objections and today the plenary has rejected the proposal to start negotiations.

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