Coupons and postal booklets, the complaint of Altroconsumo: "Deceptive Spot"


The consumer badociation Altroconsumo has lodged an appeal with the Italian Competition Authority on television spots with which Poste Italiane presents its certificates of sale. postal savings and its booklets.

Because of the information loopholes contained in the message – Altroconsumo claims – people are deceived, hundreds of thousands of savers made to make a choice that they would not have done so had they been properly informed. The security of savings and all communication on postal savings are even more delicate today, since these types of resources are the basis of Cbada's activity. Depositi e Prestiti in these days the center of attention for the future the strategic choices on the institute and on the financing of the state

In detail: [19659005] says Poste Italiane: Coupons and booklets are excellent for any investment

The nominal annual rate of an ordinary pbadbook is 0, 01% gross; it is affected by a 26% withholding tax and an annual stamp duty of 34.20 euros if the average inventory exceeds 5,000 euros. So the net rate is 0.0074%, effectively zero. If we exceed 5,000 euros of average annual stock and pay the stamp duty, the capital erodes with time. It can be an investment at almost zero cost and a return only for small amounts. It can not be considered an excellent product for any type of investment.

An intelligent version is now available until July 31, 2018 for provisions set aside on new booklets or booklets already open which provides a gross rate of 1% for 150 days. Then we return to the ordinary rate of 0.01% gross. The net rate is 0.74% for 150 days. Overall, over a year, however, the annual rate of return of a provision of 1500 euros is only 0.31%. To which we must also remove the stamp equal to 0.2% of the stock

In the market, there are deposit accounts that offer much higher yields and in many cases the stamp duty is borne by the bank . What does not happen for Poste Italiane

Said Poste Italiane: the money is still available

There is no extinguishment fee and the Refund takes place at any time. But be careful. If you decide to repay the vouchers before a certain subscription period, no interest is expected. A huge limitation since the coupons are chosen to have an interest, also because the tax burdens can reduce the capital invested.

This minimum period required to have an interest is different for the different types of coupons, with different limits (see detail below *). For example 12 months for ordinary good. Of all these limitations, advertising does not mention absolutely. So, it is true that you can repay at any time, but the possible loss of value of the capital invested in the facts is an obstacle to the exit.

Said Poste Italiane: capital grows with time. [19659003] If the tax burden is taken into account in many cases, the growth of value over time is not there. Indeed, in the lowercase video message, it is also written "with the exception of taxes of a fiscal nature" which however greatly affect the performance of postal products and may result in a loss of value.

For example, leave on the ordinary booklet years, baduming the net rate of 0.0074% and the stamp of 34.20 euros (applied if the average annual stock is greater than 5000 euros), after 5 years it will be 5831.20 euros with a loss of a good 168 euros.

See also:
Savings bonds and savings cards: what they are and to whom they are in agreement
Poste Italiane will not be the only one to notify fines at home

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